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In recent years , with the increase of height of super high-rise buildings, the structure types become more and more complex. How to analysize these complex structure systems is an urgent problem in the field of tall building of our country. Traditional structural analysis is based on the single load model. However , in the construction period the reinforced concrete structure is a kind of time-varing structure in which structure shape, material performance and loads are all time-varing. Structural response in the construction process has great difference from results calculated with traditional method.
    In the paper, the basic theory of construction mechanics is introduced. The time-dependant characteristics of concrete is discussed and its influence on structure response in the construction period is induced. Subsequently the rigidity-leg phenomenon and the time-varing feature of load and resistence in the super hige-rise building' s conctruction period is analysized.
    Based on the super finite element theory a simplified computation model of construction mechanics toward high-rise tube in tube structure is brought forward and the super-element-minor-structure-coupling finite element method is established. Using ANSYS computer programme the construction process of super high-rise tube in tube structure is numerically simulated and the inner force of superstructure is analysized combined with on-site measurement data of a tube and tube structure. As analysis is shown, there are great "arching effects" in the inner tube and outer tube and also between two tubes. So i t is advised that some appropriate computer software considering
    the interaction of superstructure, base and soil should be adopted to analysize the response of super high-rise building through the construction process to provide reference to engineering design.
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