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Since the experiential guintessence is considered in the teaching materials and teaching method in a way to convey this knowledge and experience, the teaching material are closely related to the education concering human exidtance and development, wushu is the quintessence of our nation's traditional physical culture. The very imtlentant places to convey and popularize .it zre primary school and middle school .Teaching material and reform in teaching method count a lot as to inheriting and propagating the traditional physical culture. With the method of investigation, documental data, experiment and mathematical statistics, this article .based on the previous teaching outline of P.E. In primary school and middle school, teaching materials in wushu as well as teaching method, tudies deeply in the reform of teaching materials, methods and general condition in wushu in primary and middle school. It chooses teaohers and in 100 schools at random,to proceed with the investigation and make a practical testing on the significance of our nation's new "course standards of physical culture and health" Those following are the conclusions about teaching of wushu in primary school and middle school.
    1. in the past years ,the teaching materials of it are in the reform all the time to adapt to the new physical education thoughts, Its reform national trend is .in view of its teaching content, it decreases difficulty, increases diversification and flexibility, the competitive conciousness is fading while attacking and defending consciousness is still keeping ,the arranfement of it has considered the students' age and has paid attention to the connect between different learning periods.
    2. the developing trend of teaching method in it .from the leating of western physical training method to the reform of teaching method which is with the characteristics of Wushu teaching, and the to the deeper development of teaching method. All of this reflects the spiritual comprehension of Wushu.
    3. the students' interest in Wushu fading. The investigation shows: in 1980s,the highest interest that students have in Wushu reached up to 88%,while in 1990s,it began to fade, until now the interest is around 4%. ^
    4. document and study show: there is a unbalance I its development of teaching material of Whushu is relatively less, which can't satisfy the teaching needs; the study on teaching method of Whushu is relatively more, however, it is not deep enough and doesn,t form a theoretical system, most of which is the introduction of teaching understanding and experience.
    5. the major problem in its teaching materials. And teaching method: as to the teaching material, it is too difficult, with too much competitive consciousness and the students lack interests in it; as to the teaching method, it is not systematic teaching. The study on it is not deep enough, the creative difficulty on it is great and etc.
    6. the practical testing shows: there are obvious differences in the interest in Wushu between the two group-one is carrying out the "course standard of physical culture and health", the other follows the traditional teaching material and method(p<0.001)
    The purpose of this study is to improve the teaching level of Wushu, our nation's traditional physical culture, to reinforce its popularity and education, to propagate our nation's traditional culture and to enhance the sense of national pride.
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