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The forthcoming Post-Savings Bank needs newer and better marketing gambit to adapting to the more drastic competitive internal money market.
    This paper is always adhering to interconnect the theories with the facts by chiefly study the literature with the enterprise practice. Systematcially exploring the Post-Saving Bank's marketing gambit innovation, the paper is working and practical in the period of the Post-Savings transform to a indeed bank. The fast development in late years make the Post-Savings more and more important in our society, but its defectiveness of institution stunt the internal financial reform and the Chinese Post's development. Confer to the successful foreign experience ,the Post-Savings Bank must be founded in our country. Be restricted with the government's policy and the capability of itself, the Post-Savings Bank can't transcribe the marketing method of other banks and must to make marketing gambit innovation. After describe the development process of bank marketing and correlative theory , analyze closely the marketing trait and current gambit of Post-Savings , exam all-sidedly the macroscopic environment and trade environment, make SWOT analysis, the thesis research on Post-Savings Bank's strategy, and approach the Post-Savings Bank's marketing gambit innovation on the base from four aspect. From our research, we are of the opinion that the Post-Saving Bank should take advantage of its superiority and get over its weakness, adopt focusing strategy to get competitive superiority in the subdivided market in personal financial service. Its brand position should be civilian bank. To make marketing gambit innovation on that base, the Post-Savings Bank should exploit new financial product priority at intermediary service, personal credit service and particular deposit account service, take advantage of the new internet channel to founded net bank, make internal maketing and customer value management for upraise competitive capability and service level , make alliance strategic to meet the polytropic customer demand.
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