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Recently, with the process of a series of wushu Sanda competitions, with the increasing improvement of competive skills, it's quite difficult for the althlete to win the game with only one single movement, especially in the highlevel competitions.therefore, applying the way of combining several movements to attack and defend has become an essential tendency, howerer, due to the short history of Wushu Sanda competition, and the shortage of research on combined movements, there's trouble in furthering the research on combined movements. Based upon "The National 'Mount Tai Cup'of Wushu Sanda championship in 2002" , the author of this thesis analyzed statistically by using observation, statistics, research, comparative analysis and so on, with the purposes of exploring the inner law of Wu Shu Sanda combined movements, providing basis and measures for the coach's tranining plan, providing basis for evaluating the athletes'combined movements targets.
    The result of research of the thesis is as follows: in the Wu shu Sanda competition, 2 and 3 combined movements are the most often used, 4 combined movements are the most often used, while 5 or more than 5 combined movements are rarely used.Combined movements are always used more than the single movement and can gain more scores. Therefore, they're the main way for athletes to defeat their opponents. When the total number of single attack movements of the combined movements is langer than the number of single defence movements of the combined movements, the combined movements can gain more scores , and vice versa. Whether the success rate of combined movements making up the combined movements. With the same number of attack and defence movements making up the combined movements, the defence movements will have some advantages if it is prior to the attack movements; with the same combined movements, generally speaking, the one with more single attack movements will gain more scores. In the 2 combined movement
    s, the fomula "defence + combined attack movements and steps + application rate of attack combination" can gain the highest score and is the perfect combination; In the 3 combined movements, the formula "steps + attack + application rate of attack combination" can gain the highest scores and is the perfect combination; While the formula "defence + defence combination and attack + defence combination" in 2 combined movements and the formula "steps + attack + defence combination and defence + attack + defence combination" in 3 combined movements are often used but imperfect combination.
    It is suggested: when making training plans, the high-level athletes should be trained mainly with the combined movements and with the single movements as the supplement; the low-level athletes should be trained to strengthen single movements, to increase the number of combined movements. The combined movements can be strengthened purposefully according to the athletes'own features. As for the combined movements are essential, 4 combined movements are supplementary while 5 or more than 5 combined movements can be used rarely or can be cancelled.
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