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The 21st century is ever changing. With the rapid development of scientific technologies, the shaping of integrative global economic situation, and the unfathomable world political climate, international and domestic environment has become more and more complex. Breaking events and even war could take place at any time and any place. Under these circumstances, we have to fully realize the grave menace we are facing and believe in heart the concept of modern health service in order to speed up the modernization of our military and win the hi-tech regional war in the future. As an important component of the military health service, medical sections in the grass roots are the front lines of health service, no matter in wartime or peacetime. They have the double function of "ensuring health in peacetime, and victory in wartime". However, due to the impact of market economy and the policy of "no participation of military in the trade", many new problems have come forth in the health service of grass roots. In par
    ticular, the "three difficulties" of hospitalizing, medicating, transferring have become much more serious.
    This dissertation started from studying the status qua of health service of small, remote and dispersed units, and tried to explore the ways to employ existing military hygienic resources and civil social security systems to solve the problem of hospitalizing in the grass roots.
    This dissertation was based on the personal experiences of the author. In the first place, it analyzed the first hand materials concerning problems of health service in the grass roots, which the author obtained since he was medical section chief in 1998. He went deep into the subordinate medical units of the headquarters of Guangzhou Military Region and the Technological Reconnaissance Bureau of Shenyang Military Region for investigation and research. By extending from points to sides, he conducted a collective and objective analysis on the problems existing in the hygiene service of grass root units and the concerning data provided by the
    Information Statistical Center of the medical Department of Guangzhou Military Region, and he found the sticking point in the end. In this dissertation, the author summed up the experiences he obtained by consulting volumes of medical publications and his creative method of establishing experimental units to tackle the problem of difficult hospitalizing, and he used the successful practices of other military health service units domestic and abroad for reference. After considering the real condition of the small, remote and dispersed units, he put forward this comparatively objective method of "combining social security system with establishing regional central out-patient departments or clinics" to cope with the problem of hospitalizing difficulty in grass roots. This method is practicable and operational, and in line with the condition of grass root units.
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