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According to the deficiency consisting in the present stock choice of the investment company in our country,the paper emphatically analyses the limitation of the basic analysis theory in the stock choice and depending on it forms a special theory of the stock choice for the investment company from the following six aspects such as the macro factors and line factors,the financial state,the growth nature,the financial leverage and operating leverage,the corporate value and the predicting warn of the corporation operating to research and explore by the qualitative analysis method and the quantitative analysis method. The theory overall illuminates how the investment company proceeds the stock choice and turns the stock choice into the concrete number by turning six factors given weights that affect the result of the stock choice into the probability of the stock choice by the quantitative method. The important points lie in:1 considering the external environment,the growth nature,the venture and the corporate v
    alue;2 overcoming the non-comparability of the financial ratios between the corporations of different lines. The paper provides the reference of the stock choice for the investment company.
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