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The theoretical construction and implementation of the after-assessment of construction projects is a new and developing systematic project in engineering management. It involves the various links and aspects and science and technology of many different specialized subjects. It is still in its infancy of constant development and perfection. The after-assessment of construction projects will promote the virtuous circle of a steady and long-term economic development and form a connecting link between the past and the future. Its theoretical construction and implementation has profound academic significance and practical value.
    The theoretical model of the after-assessment of construction projects and operation mechanism have the characteristics of involvement and management of the whole staff, full-progress, every aspect and full-circle. The detailed rules of implementation include the procedure, method, criterion and preparation and organization work of the after-assessment, decision after-assessment, procession after-assessment and the practical value and guidance of the after-assessment conclusion.
    Our country is in the historical period of transition from planned economy to marketed economy. Therefore, the theoretical construction and implementation of the after-assessment should adhere to the principle of the following criteria with the consideration of the national condition. First, the legal management should be strengthened so as to make sure that the state government and local governments will have macro-scopic control and guidance. Second, the construction projects should embody the pratical economic returns. And finally, social benefits such as environmental protection, energy and water conservation should be achieved. In addition, the construction projects should be able to resist earthquakes and disasters and be of fire-proof. The above criteria are very basic and essential to the steady and long-term development of economy.
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    25 《建设项目环境保护管理办法》
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