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     本研究以定量和定性分析相结合的方法对160名石家庄法商职业技术学院大二的160名高职生进行了调查分析。定量研究采用了英语课堂焦虑问卷(在Horwitz等1986年设计的外语课堂焦虑量表FLCAS基础上修改而成)和英语学习策略问卷(在Oxford 1990年设计的语言学习策略问卷SILL的基础上加以修改而成)以及英语成绩,所收集的数据用社会科学统计软件包(SPSS)13.0进行了比较、相关、回归等统计分析与讨论。其中又有十名学生参加了个人访谈以期补充说明定量研究的结果。调查结果表明:(1)高职高专学生普遍存在相对较高程度的外语焦虑,其中交际焦虑最为明显,且焦虑水平和性别无明显相关性,和外语水平显著负相关;(2)高职高专学生通常采用所有6种语言学习策略,但使用频率不高,平均处于“偶尔使用”这一范畴,其中补偿策略使用频率最高,社会策略使用频率最低;(3)外语焦虑和学习策略呈显著负相关;六种策略分类中,有三种(认知、元认知和情感策略)对焦虑有预测作用;高低不同焦虑组的总体策略使用情况及六种策略分类存在显著差异性;具体到高低不同的焦虑组,其策略选择的数量和种类既有相同点又有不同点:两焦虑组的学生都擅长使用补偿策略,而记忆策略和社会策略的使用频率较低;元认知策略和情感策略的使用在两焦虑组中的排序有显著不同。
Since 1970’s, with the development of general linguistics, psycholinguistics and cognitive psychology, researchers’attention has shifted from“teaching”to“learning”. Learners’variables have been given more and more attention of which foreign language anxiety and language learning strategy are two important learner variables. Many researches find that there is the tendency that foreign language anxiety has a negative effect on foreign language learning whereas language learning strategy has positive effects on foreign language learning if properly used. It is also found that foreign language anxiety may not be alleviated simply through certain teaching methods and the change of teachers’beliefs. Some research findings suggest that effective learning strategy may help lower foreign language anxiety, while not so much work has been done on the relation between foreign language anxiety and language learning strategy especially selecting students in higher vocational college as subjects who are different from those in common universities in backgrounds and aims of education. So the present thesis attempts to investigate the relation of foreign language anxiety and language learning strategy among these group students by using both quantitative and qualitative researches.
     The subjects in this thesis were 160 non-English majors from Shijiazhuang Law and Commerce Vocational College. A modified scale of Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS) developed by Horwitz et al. (1986), Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) developed by Oxford (1990) and English achievement were used for quantitative study. The data were analyzed with Statistical Package for Social Science13.0 (SPSS 13.0). Individual interviews were conducted among ten chosen subjects to supplement the results of quantitative study. Results indicated that: (1) generally there was high level foreign language anxiety among subjects with communication apprehension ranking first. There was no significant gender difference, but negative correlation existed between foreign language anxiety and foreign language achievements; (2) the subjects“sometimes use”all six subcategories of language learning strategy, and compensation strategies received the highest use frequency while social strategies rank the lowest; (3) there were significant negative correlations between foreign language anxiety and the overall use of language learning strategies; three strategies (cognitive, metacognitive and affective strategies) had prediction on foreign language anxiety; the differences in language learning strategies usage between high and low anxiety groups were significant; in terms of specific strategies, there were both similarities and differences between high and low anxiety groups: both two groups frequently employed compensation strategies, while they adopted memory and social strategies less frequently and there were significant differences between metacognitve and affective strategies as far as ranking was concerned.
     Then, based on the results, some pedagogical implications were provided: firstly, it was expected teachers would take measures to lower the unnecessary foreign language anxiety; secondly, relevant strategy training should be conducted by the joint efforts of teachers and learners; thirdly, according to the conclusion that different anxiety groups adopted different strategy types, teachers should foster strategy use in terms of different anxiety groups.
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