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针对当前ICAI(Intelligent Computer Assisted Instruction)的智能化程度不高的问题,本文介绍了ICAI的研究、应用情况及其发展过程和趋势,提出了两种基于教学控制论的智能教学方法选择方法,通过综合教育学、心理学、人工智能各门科学的知识,系统地探讨了ICAI系统中的教学方法选择的设计问题,在ICAI系统中的教学方法选择研究的理论与实践方面作了有益的尝试。
    本文首先分析了各种可能进行教学方法选择的方式,提出和研究了两种最能适应于教学方法选择的方式。然后探讨了采用基于不确定性推理的专家系统实现对教学方法的选择的方式,将可信度理论尝试性地运用于教学方法的选择上,并使用CLIPS(C Language Integrated Production System)语言开发了一个实际可行的教学方法选择专家系统,实现了基于规则的模糊知识表达与推理,从而较好地实现了ICAI系统中的个别化和智能化教学。
In order to improve the situation of low intelligentization in ICAI system, the application and developing trend of ICAI is introduced in this paper. We also put forward two advanced methods which are based on teaching cybernetics. By synthesis the knowledge of pedagogics, psychics, artificial intelligence, we have discussed how to solve the problem of the selection of teaching methods in ICAI system, and we tried some new instructive methods to solve this problem theoretically and practically.
    Firstly, we analyzed all kinds of possible modes on how to select teaching methods, and two of the best modes are brought forward and researched. Secondly, the mode based on the expert system of the uncertainty reasoning in teaching methods is discussed emphasizely, and the theory of certainty factor is applied to the mode, then we develop an expert system program by using CLIPS language. In the system, fuzzy knowledge expression and reasoning based on the production rule are realized, so that we can perferably realize the intelligent and individual property of ICAI.
     Thirdly, when we select teaching methods in practice, we may find the problem rule deformity and data fuzzy. So it is nature for us to introduce fuzzy neural networks in our mode. We design a fuzzy neural networks model in VC++ language and present the test results in the end of this paper.
    At last, by compare and contrast the results of two modes, we get the relative merits of them.
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