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Massive scientific computation needs parallel computation. With the development of the computer technology and network technology, computer cluster based-network has been preferred rather than parallel machines when doing parallel computation. And at the same time, distribution, inter-operation and heterogeneity have become the features of today's network. In order to communicate between different nodes of network, we should get away the heterogeneity. To simplify the network programming and implement the software system based on the groupware, the distributed object has drawn the attention of people.
    In this paper, we analyze the today's research situation and provide a Object-Oriented distributed parallel virtual platform——CJPVM, which employs popular middleware CORBA and uses JAVA language, aiming at supporting parallel computation in heterogeneous network and getting rid of the restriction of network heterogeneity and making the foundation of further parallel computation in Internet. In chapter 2, we provide the basic construction of CJPVM. In chapter 3, we describe the system message procession and the Daemon. In chapter 4, we introduce the CJPVM's message-passing model based on CORBA. In chapter 5, we provide a load-balanced task scheduling method. And finally, we verify the platform by experiments, summarize the features of the CJPVM and outlook the future work.
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