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It is of treat importance to give an occupation guidence to middle school students,to analyze the psychology of their further study and occupation selection.to understand the various ps~chological contradictions due to both of them,and to adjust their psychology effectively in time in order to make theni grow up in good heal(kpass the critical period of their life successfully and to cultivate a great number of various qualified talents for our socialist modernizatioii.this paper mainly makes use of "Act questionaire of occupation tendencies" revised by Zlieng bo and Long lirong in psychological Department of Middle China Normal University and some questionaires of related background factors to make an investigation 430 Grade Two and Grade Three students of senior middle schools in Gui~ang,Jiangxi and Nanjin province in order to understand their psychological features of occupation-selecting and the current situations of occupation-guidance in general cducation.thc results of the investigation arc as follows:
    I. In gcncral.thc middle school students wide range of intcrcsts in occupation-selecting have been displayed by each close score in six dimensions of occupational catcgories.Neither boys nor girls like taking up traditional jobs,that is they dciii like l~aving contact with data and objects on their own;
    2. There are distinct gender differences in their occupational interests.GirIs prefer artistic and social jobs and boys prefer research and realistic jobs.There are distinct gender differences in the four dimensions of R.LA and S;
    3. There is no distinct grade differences in (S) of enterprise (E) of art (A) of research (I),while there are certain grade differences in (C)of tradition (R) of rcality;
    4. Onh-chitd and non-only-child have distinct differences in(R),(E)and(S).Non-only-child prefers taking up the occupations such as agriculture,transportation and chart-making etc.on the other hand,only-child has higher interests in taking up the artistic occupations than non-only-child;
    5. Their occupation-selecting standards start from their o~vn demands.The proportion of the students who in the first place put their own advantages and hobbies and interests and the income is higher than those ~~ho put the social demands in the first place.Most of students don't consider the social demands as the first factor,but their own advantages and interests and fame and weath.between the leadly univcrsitvs and their tnajors,35.7%students prefer the fornier:~vhich is dominant in their occupation-selecting:
    6. The carrent situation of the conimoti occupational education in middle school is wornl .there is small of the schools that have given the students practial and effective.sonie of them even refused to accept an invcstgatton or an interview:
    7. Their attitudes toward occupations cause a lot of ~vorrv. Whet the students asked what kind of occupation they were going to take.almost 29.2% students answered that they had never thought over it or thought that it was not time for them to consider it:
    8. The students have little communication with their parents on the problems of occupations. 11.8% students have not talked about it with their parents and only 27.6% students oflcn communicate ~vith their parents on it.
    28.(美)Clark G. Carney & Cinda Field Wells著:《找到合适你的职业》,是中轻工业出版社,1995

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