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     本文第二章研究了金融危机下人民币汇率水平的决定问题。第一节指出了金融危机的爆发对人民币汇率的短期走势造成了较大的贬值压力,人民币汇率贬值预期更是推波助澜,国内外关于人民币贬值的说法不绝于耳。目前人民币贬值的市场心理已经成为今后影响人民币汇率变动的一个非常重要的因素。这些贬值预期主要来源于外贸收支状况不景气、资本与金融帐户出现逆差、利率连续下调、国内宏观经济所存在的问题、外汇黑市新状况等。为了进一步考察人民币汇率的中长期变动,第二节进一步探讨了人民币汇率与我国一些主要宏观经济指标变动的关系。我选择的相关主要经济指标是:国际收支状况、利率、GDP增长率、货币发行额、劳动生产率。得出的结论是:人民币汇率的变动与各主要经济指标之间存在着十分密切的关系。人民币汇率在中长期以来并未存在明显的导致币值高估的累计性因素,若干经济因素是能够支持目前的人民币汇率的稳定的。当前的汇率水平是相对合理的。我国大部分主要经济指标,如:经常项目与资本项目的常年顺差、较好的吸引外资状况与结构、庞大的外汇储备、较好的存贷利差结构和较高的实际存款利率状况、国民生产总值的持续增长、1996年后适度的货币发行额增长等基本支持了近期人民币汇率水平的稳定。但也存在着其他一些经济指标所透露的警告讯息,如:资本与金融帐户在1998年出现逆差,劳动生产率近年来没有明显提高、资本外逃总量庞大、外债余额规模较大等。只有切实地改善国际收支的结构与运行状况,不断改善我国的宏观经济状况,才能保证人民币汇率的继续稳定。第三节讨论了人民币实质汇率的计算方法与基期选择的问题。通过对人民币实质汇率的中长期变动分析,指出:如果以1991年为基期计算人民币对美元的实质汇率变动,局限性相对较小。因为1991年不仅较好地满足了基期定值的后三个标准,而且在此期间,人民汇率采取的是较小幅度的调整方式,名义汇率变动相对不大。1997年与1991年相比,人民币对美元实际汇率高估,幅度为6.7%; 1998年与1991年相比,实际汇率高估程度仅为4.6%,幅度较小。根据国际货币基金组织的计算,如果以1991年为基期,人民币实质有效汇率在1
The subject matter of this paper is concerned with the adoption of the current Renminbi exchange rate policy under the attack of Southwest Asia Financial Crisis . It includes: How the Renminbi exchange rate regime is arranged ; Whether the current Renminbi exchange rate level is rational ; What is the cost and benefit of the exchange rate devaluation policy ; How to choose and manage Renminbi exchange rate policy. Through the studies of those questions , I have had a further recognition of the Renminbi exchange rate and exchange rate policy . Besides, This is also a process of my further study of economic theory and methods.
    About those questions, I have consulted many documents concerned. Based on the absorption of each point of view critically , I try to understand those questions from different angle and establish my own theoretical framework .
     The paper is divided into three chapters.
     Chapter one is the study of the Renminbi exchange rate regime arrangement . Firstly, I study the relation between the Thailand Financial Crisis and the pegging exchange rate regime . I get the conclusion that the adoption of exchange rate regime must concern many factors, such as the time , developing phase, and economic conditions . The pegging exchange rate regime had contributed to the growing international trade and glorious economy situation during the early days of the Thailand economic reform. But with the deepening of globalization and liberalization, the pegging exchange rate regime have brought about great financial risks and also promoted the breakout of Financial Crisis on the condition of the opening capital account . Secondly, I study the relation between the current international monetary systems and the Financial Crisis . I think that the main part of these systems is the flexible exchange rate regime. This regime have produced unequal and unstable factors to the world economy. The developing country is in unfavorable position of this regime. Furthermore, The coordination system is not perfect and vulnerable to the attack of the Financial Crisis. The unceasing breakout of the Financial Crisis calls for the reform of the international monetary systems. Finally, I discuss the virtues and shortcomings of the current Renminbi exchange rate regime . I find out that the market basis for the current Renminbi exchange rate regime has been strengthened and the determination of Renminbi exchange rate level has concerned many market factors . However, we must note that there are distortion signals of foreign exchange supplying and demanding . And the current Renmibi exchange rate regime is more a pegging one than a floating one. With the liberalization of capital control , the Renminbi exchange rate regime may be more and more directed by the market change and turn into a " target zone " exchange rate regime in the future.
    Chapter two is the study of the determination of the current Renminbi exchange rate . It has three sections. In section one, I point out that the break out of the Financial Crisis has brought about Renminbi exchange rate devaluation pressure , and the devaluation expectation had become an important factor of which influence the Remminbi exchange rate change. I discuss the five sources of the current Renminbi devaluation expectations : the worries about current account depression, the fear of the capital and financial account deficit , the bad effect on the Renminbi exchange rate of the going down nominal interest level, the problems of national macroeconomics and the new phenomenon in the exchange rate black market. In section two, I study the relation between the change of nominal Renminbi exchange rate and basic macroeconomics targets. The major macroeconomics targets which I choose are the balance of payment, the real interest rate , the GDP increasing rate , the monetary provision increasing rate , the labor product rate. I find out that most of the basic macroeconomics targets support the stability of the current Renminbi exchange r
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