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     第一部分是对产业内贸易的一些初步解释。为了更清楚、更有条理地解释产业内贸易产生的原因及其利益来源,本论文首先是把产业内贸易的一些基本概念和简单分析放在第一部分,这部分篇幅较小,又分为三个问题:1.产业内贸易的定义及对 “产业内” 的理解。由于对产业内贸易的范围等问题的看法存在分歧,本文首先阐述了作者对产业内贸易的理解。2. 产业内贸易在当今国际贸易中的地位。产业内贸易在当今的国际贸易总额中已占了一半以上的份额,所以研究产业内贸易是非常有必要的。3. 对产业内贸易产生的原因的简单解释。由于一小部分产业内贸易的发生是一些特殊原因引起的,并不是产业内贸易理论主要研究的问题,所以在这里首先提出来加以简单解释。总的来说,这一章是为以下几个部分更加深入的分析产业内贸易打下基础。
     第二部分是产业内贸易理论的发展历程和对产业内贸易的进一步解释。一切理论都有其发展的过程,我认为研究产业内贸易理论从某种意义上说就是研究它的历史。又可分为三个问题:1. 产业内贸易理论的产生和发展。第二次世界大战以后,国际贸易领域发生了新的变化,出现了“里昂惕夫之谜”等新问题,这些用传统的国际贸易理论已经不能很好地解释他们。所以,现代国际贸易理论应运而生。另一个引人注目的现象就是欧共体内部大量的产业内贸易,这引起了经济学家们的关注,由此开始对产业内贸易理论进行研究,其中以格鲁贝尔、劳埃德、克鲁格曼、赫尔普曼和埃尔西等人为代表。2.产业内贸易理论的主要观点及和经典模型的比较。产业内贸易理论以“国际产品异质性”、“需求偏好相似”、“规模经济优势”三个原理作为支柱。其中,国际产品的异质性是产业内贸易的动因;需求偏好相似是产业内贸易的保证;规模经济优势是产业内贸易的利益来源。我将它同国际贸易上两个重要的理论即李嘉图的比较优势论和赫克歇尔-俄林的要素秉赋论进行了比较。3.产业内贸易的利益来源。赫克歇尔-俄林模型中的产业间贸易利益源泉在于通过扩大密集使用丰裕要素的生产,使该要素密集型产品的价格下降,从而取得比较利益;而发生在生产要素禀赋相同或相似国家之间的产业内贸易的利益主要来源于规模经济。
     第三部分是产业内贸易理论模型及对产业内贸易理论的评述。首先我将众多的产业内贸易理论模型分成垄断竞争模型和寡头垄断模型两大类,然后又分别分析了几个有代表性的模型,最后对产业内贸易理论作出了一些评述。1.对垄断竞争模型的讨论。垄断竞争模型的基本思想是:产品的差别化和消费者的选择多样化是在生产技术水平和生产要素禀赋没有差异的国家之间进行产业内贸易的经济条件。我主要对新张伯伦模型和兰卡斯特模型进行了讨论。2. 对寡头垄断模型的讨论。克鲁格曼等人把古老的“古诺模型”扩展到两国之间,建立起完全相同的产品的产业内贸易理论模型。然后在此基础上,加入了运输因素,就形成了相互倾销模型。3. 对产业内贸易理论模型的评述。产业内贸易理论作为当代国际贸易理论的一个重要分支,在研究方法、思路等方面有一些新的突破,当然,也有一些不成熟的地方。我在此提出了自己的一些看法。
     第四部分是产业内贸易理论对我国发展对外贸易的借鉴意义。这部分在前面三部分对产业内贸易理论分析的基础上,结合我国的实际情况,分析了产业内贸易理论对我国发展对外贸易的借鉴意义。这部分是本文的重点,也是最有价值的部分。1. 影响我国发展产业内贸易因素的实证分析。我选取规模经济、产品差异和重叠需求,采用计量经济分析中的回归分析方法,对影响我国产业内贸易发展的主要因素进行了实证分析,最后得出结论,规模经济在产业内贸易中的作用不强,所以我国要更好地发展产业内贸易,还需要在扶持企业集团,
Intra-industries trade emerged after world war Ⅱ.Especially since 1960s', Intra-industries trade have lured economists' attentions. Now Intra-industries trade has been 60% of international trade amount. Intra-industries trade is a hot issue among economists.
     According to David Ricardo's classic theory of comparative advantage and Heckscher and Bertol Ohlin's theory of factor endowment, international trade should occur between who differ considerably in factor endowment , however. Intra-industries trade occurred among industrialized countries similar in factor endowment, and they trade the same or similar goods. The new phenomenon calls for a theoretical explanation.
     In the new century, economy globalization would be more obvious, the connection between countries would be tighter, international trade would increase at a higher speed. The question that how China better boosts its foreign trade so as to further advance the national economy deserves priority and profound investigation on the part of the international trade media in China.
     The thesis explores the Intra-industries trade to provide a new thinking of developing international trade, based on domestic and foreign economists' research and connecting with China's situation. So the logic structure of this thesis starts from analyzing Intra-industries trade to provide the theoretical foundation of researching China's Intra-industries trade development. The thesis is divided into four parts.
    The first part is concerned with some fundamental explanation of intra-industries trade. In order to give a clear and orderly explaining on the reason and interests origination of Intra-industries trade, the thesis put some fundamental conception and brief analysis in the first part, which is subdivided into three parts: 1, the definition of Intra-industries trade and understanding "intra". There are different definition to Intra-industries trade scope, I set forth my own understanding at first. 2, the situation of Intra-industries trade in international trade fields. Intra-industries trade has constituted more than half of the total international trade, so it is necessary to research on intra-industries trade. 3,Here in this section, only a small space is devoted to explaining intra-industrial trade on the ground that some portion of intra-industrial trading occurs under special reasons, which go beyond the focus of the field of endeavor
     The second part will present the development history of the theory of intra-industrial trade and further analyze it. All theories have their own development history. In my opinion, to search the theory is to search its history. There are three sections:1. The origination and development of intra-industries. After World War II, great changes has taken in the international trade. The stigma of Leontief came out. Traditional international trade theory can't explain it. So modern international trade theory emerged. Another noticeable phenomenon is that a lot of intra-industries exist in the Europe Community. It attracts economists' attention to search the theory of the intra-industrial trade, such as Grubel, Loiyd, etc. 2,the comparison between the main idea of theory of intra-industry trade and classical type. International product divergence, demand preference, and scale economy advantage are three important points of the theory. Product divergence is the element of pushing intra-industrial trade. Demand preference is the guarantee. Scale economics advantage is the interest source. I compare it with the comparative advantage of David Ricardo and factor endowment of Heckscher -Bertol ohlin.3, the interest resource of the intra-industrial trade. The interests of Heckscher - Bertol lies in that through widening the product of closely using rich factors, the price of product drop down, then we can get comparative interests
     While those countries with same background of factor endowment get their interests through scale economy.
     The third part comments on the theory type and the theory itself. F
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    15.《对我国推广外贸代理制的几点思考》 刘沙、张怀琳

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