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生殖器疱疹(genital herpes GH)是由单纯疱疹病毒(HSV)
    小鼠灌胃。结果显示:抗病毒 1、2号胶囊具有提高 CD3+、CD4”、
    疗作用中,抗病毒1 号血清在原液浓度时能完全阻止细胞出现
    CPE;抗病毒 2号血清在!:2浓度时能充全阻止细胞出现 CPE。
    在直接作用中,抗病毒1 号胶囊血清与空白组相比,病毒滴度降
    低 l.17TCID。。,与空白血清相比,病毒滴度降低 0.83TCID,卜抗
    胶囊 1、2号各5天,然后用HSV say株接种前四组豚鼠阴道造
    度、神经节超微结构及神经节潜伏病毒的定量PCR 结果显示:
Genital herpes (GH) is a kind of Sexual Transmitted disease caused by herpes simplex virus, manifesting inflammation, herpes, ulcer in the external genital organs. Its treatment effect is not satisfied. The thesis is a part of experiment research about observation of curative effect of herbal formula, Anti-virus capsule on GH. throng a series of experiment in viro and serum pharmacology method, farther study of functional mechanism of the capsule to provide scientific experimental basis for clinic.
    The author has reviewed the ancient and modern TCM literature, the articles of western medicine about GH in resent 10 years as well. According to TCM, it is considered that "accumulation of heat in the body and download flow of damp-heat" is the key-point of the mechanism of GH, so "clearing away heat and toxic material" is the main principles of TMC treatment in clinic. Further more, "clearing away heat and toxic material, invigorating QI and replenishing YIN, eliminating dampness and strengthening spleen" is for those who are apt to recur. In west medicine opinion, GH is caused by HSV. This virus nucleic acid is DNA, and is closed by protein capsid in cubical symmetry. According to different antigenicity, it is distinguished 1.2 type. Herpes simplex virus replicate throng three stage, reproductive DNA has not free end. Is annular or interlink, one of specificity of HSV is latent infection. To general think, HSV latent in sensory ganglion, Latency virogene is annularity or is likely to integrate into host cell DNA. this disease pathogenesis: HSV come into the body throng skin mucosa or skin damaged, and proliferate in cuticle and corium, then virus replicate and infect autonomic never end. After primary infection, HSV establish latent infections of sensory neurons of the ganglia seerving those site. Periodically the virus reactivates and travels centripetally along the neuronal axon to cause symptomatic or asymptomatic recurrent mucocutaneous infections. Now GH has not satisfactory method. Its therapeutic principle is to inhibit HSV proliferation and to control localized infection
    Immunological experiment of anti-virus capsule 1 and 2 on mice has been carried out. the result testified that both capsule can elevate the level of T help cell subpopulation and IL-2 which were lowered by
    Experiment in vitro of inhibiting HSV virus-growth has been carried out with anti-virus capsule 1 and 2 rat serum, the result show that at five day both anti-virus capsule serum in different concentration has been mixed with HSV 100TCID50 concentration for several days, the virions were killed directly, which pointed out the anti-virus capsule serum might control viral multiplication in body.
    Protection experiment of anti-virus capsule 1 and 2 on Guinea Pig. The result show that both capsule can suspend time of this disease come on and reduce shedding virus.
    These experiments indicates that the anti-virus capsules has immunological enhancement, ant-virus effect and definite protect effect on guinea pig.
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