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     DP从站采用Siemen公司的profibus协议芯片SPC3,结合Atmel的89S52单片机构建。由SPC3完成对Profibus DP协议分析的功能,89S52作为处理器单元管理通信事务。从站接口符合RS-485标准,使用9针D型连接器连接到总线上。
With the Progress of the epoch and the development of the technical, the automobile industry has been getting the higher demands of the gear-box.While the gear-box is the main part of the automobile’s driving motion. The gear-box’s quality will directly decide the automobile’s quality,So does its’robust.This Paper elaborates the data acquisition and control system based on the field bus- Profibus. The dispersive data as hydraulic pressure,temperature and flow rate etc are measured in real time, also with the data transmission, control and the Remote display.
     The development of the DP master station adopts the Comsoft FNL device and the driver, joint with the NI‘s LabVIEW 8.2,and using the OPC mode to operator the database.The FNL has a Type-D interface with 9 pin, the master station connect to the fieldbus through the interfiace. The master station detect the network and control the fieldbus system,the FNL has provide a Ethernet interface,with the extend of the LAN can PC monitor the system.
     The development of the DP slave station adopts the Siemens’s Profibus protocol chip SPC3 and joint with the Atmel’s MCU 89S52.SPC3 analysis the protocol of the profibus DP,while the 89S52 deal with the communication of the affairs as the processor unit.The interface in accordance with the standard RS485,using the Type-D interface connect to the fieldbus.
     Two classes of the DP slave station mainly complete the function of the data detect and the control process. As the detect slave station , constitute of the sensor which is used to acquire the pressure,temperature, flow rate and the torsion etc. these signal will be converted to the standard signal and be send to the MCU,then convey to the master staion through chip SPC3. As the control slave station, the MCU output the PWM signal which could adjust the speed of the BLDC(brushless DC motor ).The BLDC are driverd by the IPM(Intelligent Power Module) 6MBP100RA120,and controlled by the expert chip LM621 which is used for the right BLDC controller. The extend interfaces will be convenient to access more signal such as the noise and the vibration etc.
     The upper computer are constituted by the IPC and the software LabVIEW8.2 which has the function of the login, test, display and the database invoke.
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