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The sustainable development of environmental resources relates to China's economic and social development, relates to the long-term plan of China’s survival and development. From the law and economics perspective, this paper applies the science of environmental resources, environmental resource economics and environmental resources law and other related disciplines of knowledge on the sustainable development of China’s environment. This paper is divided into four parts.
     Part one, introduction. On the basis of summarizing the concept of environmental resources, environmental resources is given a definition that is human-centered outside world, that is to say, the natural and artificial factors affecting human survival and development, including two aspects– environment and resource. At present, China’s environmental resources are very severe, it has become the key factor restricts our country’s sustainable development. With the globalization of the world economy development, the environment has become a resource issues affecting the country's development, security and even change the world pattern. Therefore, in the future, China will face the greater international pressure. In view of this, how to handle environmental resources and sustainable development has become an important issue that can not be avoided. In this aspect, environmental resources play an important role. Currently, the legal system of China’s environmental resources is: the constitution, the basic law to protect environmental resources, local government regulations, the international treaties of environmental resources protection and so on.
     Part two deals with the law protection of China’s sustainable development of environmental resources on the basis of property rights.“Property rights are the rights implemented by society to choose the use of the goods.”From the point of view of economics, property rights do not mean the general material entity, but by means of the people’s mutual recognition behavior caused by the use of goods. Therefore, the main function of property rights is to help a person to form the expectations when he has transactions with others. In the general theory of property rights on the basis of analysis of environmental resources property rights, we can see that it has its own unique characteristics: cost of the property rights of the special allocation efficiency standards, the total number of the main property rights, property rights, the implementation of the non-exclusive, etc.. Using the theory of property rights to analyze the law protection of China’s sustainable development in environmental resources, it is based on two considerations: first, the external causes of market failure; second, the underlying reasons of property failure. On the basis of this analysis, China's environmental resources of the property rights system has some problems: "Property congestion" issues, the environment and resources as the excessive use of public goods source of the problem is difficult to clear property rights. China's environmental resource is the main form of state-owned property rights, that is, belongs to all the people all in this premise; the legal system related to property rights of environmental resources is not perfect and so on.
     Part three explains the law protection about the environmental industry and the sustainable use of China’s environmental resources. In this paper, an important part is how to apply the theory of environmental industry to China’s sustainable development of environmental resources. Firstly, this paper analyzes the relationship between environmental industry and sustainable development of environmental resources; it expounds China’s current development and the problems that exist. At present, China’s environmental industry has the following major issues: first, the level of technology is low; second, the financing channels are single and insufficient; third, the industrial structure is unreasonable; fourth, the development of market is imperfect; fifth, it lacks of effective macro-management. Taking Japan and the United States as examples, this paper analyzes the legal system of environmental industry.
     Part four summed up the insufficiency of legal protection system about China’s environment resources, such as the lack of sustainable development thinking guiding environmental resource legislation; imperfect legislation system of environmental resource protection; there are some defects on the basic system related to environmental resources law and so on. On this basis, there are some suggestions on how to improve our legal protection system of our environmental resources sustainable use: first, the concept of sustainable development should be written into the Constitution. Second, the legal protection of environmental resource property rights should be strengthened. Third, the promotion and protection system of environmental industry should be established. Fourth, the legal principles related to environmental resource protection should be increased. Fifth, it should be encouraged that China’s environmental protection enterprises implement Environmental Labeling System. Sixth, the diversification of the dispute settlement mechanism should be achieved.
① 参见吕忠梅、高利红、余耀军著:《环境资源法学》,科学出版社 2004 年 8 月第一版,第 1 页。
    ① 钱水苗、叶勇飞、范莉编著:《环境资源法》,高等教育出版社 2005 年版,第 4 页。
    ② 参见《2006 年全国环境统计公报》,《中国环保产业》2007 年第 10 期,第 13 页。
    ① 参见何卫东:《环境产业持续发展与中国环境法律政策创新》,上海科技教育出版社,2005 年版,第 22 页。
    ② 参见田其云,曹艳英:《我国干旱半干旱地区治理环境资源问题的技术规范初探》,《干旱区资源与环境》2005 年第 5 期,第 98-99 页。
    ① 参见伞锋:《中国资源环境形势与2007节能降耗减排政策重点》,《财经界》,2007年第2期。
    ② 何卫东:《环境产业持续发展与中国环境法律政策创新》,上海科技教育出版社 2005 年版,第23 页。
    ① 参见钱水苗、叶勇飞、范莉:《环境资源法》,高等教育出版社 2005 年版,第 26 页。
    ① 阿尔钦:《财产权利与制度变迁》,三联书店、上海人民出版社 2004 年版,第 166 页。
    ② 登姆塞:《财产权利与制度变迁》,三联书店、上海人民出版社 2004 年版,第 97 页。
    ① 参见蓝虹:《环境产权经济学》,中国人民大学出版社 2005 年版,第 5 页。
    ①金雪涛,刘祥峰:《环境资源负外部性与产权理论的新进展》,《中国水利》,2007 年第 8 期,第 12 页
    ② 参见陈英姿:《市场失灵的调控对环境资源有效配置的影响》,《环境科学动态》,2004年第1期。第47页
    ① 参见丁春玲、王瑞军:《我国环境问题的产权分析》,《经济论坛》2007年第8期。第44页
    ① 参见丁春玲、王瑞军:《我国环境问题的产权分析》,《经济论坛》2007年第8期。第45页
     ① 参见蓝虹:《环境产权经济学》,中国人民大学出版社 2005 年版,第 191 页。
     ① 参见张伟:《中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,http://lsg.cnki.net/grid20/detail.
    ① 参见郭国荣、方虹:《我国资源产权制度安排的缺陷与优化》,《产权导刊》2006 年第 4 期。
     ① 参见张伟:《中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,http://lsg.cnki.net/grid20/detail. 。
     ① 参见屠中靓:《论我国环保产业发展与环境法革新》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,http://lsg.cnki.net/grid20/detail.
     ① 《2006 年中国环境状况公报》,国家环境保护总局http://www.sepa.gov.cn/ztbd/sjhjr/2007hjr/tpbd56/200706/P020070605323023573963.pdf
     ①参见张祯:《我国环境产业发展及政策选择》,第 16 页,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库, http://dlib.cnki.net/kns50/detail.aspx?QueryID=17&CurRec=1
     ①参见:刘淑梅,刘玉萍:《我国环保产业现状分析及发展措施建议》,《环境科学与管理》,2005年第 6 期。
     ① 上述内容参见张祯:《我国环境产业发展及政策选择》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库, http://dlib.cnki.net/kns50/detail.aspx?QueryID=17&CurRec=1。
     ① 参见王莉、赵庚科:《发达国家环境产业政策对我国的启示》,《人文杂志》,2007 年第 2 期。
     ① 参见李青:《论科学发展观下的环境资源立法》,《学术论坛》,2006 年第 8 期。
    ① 参见方堃:《论我国现行<环境保护法>的完善及环境立法走向》,《上海交通大学学报(哲社版)》,2006 年第 5 期。
     ① 参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 49-50 页。
     ①参见孟庆瑜、刘茜:《环境资源法体系研究——从相关法律之间关系的角度谈<环境保护法>的修改》,环境法治与建设和谐社会——2007 年全国环境资源法学研讨会(2007.8.12~15·兰州)论文集,第 89 页。
    ① 参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 37 页。
    ② 参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 47-48 页。
     ① 参见张伟:《中国环境资源产权制度的法经济学研究》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,http://lsg.cnki.net/grid20/detail.aspx?QueryID=46&CurRec=1。
     ① 参见林萌:《我国环保产业法律制度研究》,中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库,http://dlib.cnki.net/kns50/detail.aspx?QueryID=79&CurRec=1。
    ① 参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 118-119 页。
    ② 李青:《论科学发展观下的环境资源立法》,《学术论坛》2006 年第 8 期。
    ③ 参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 123 页。
     ①参见孟庆瑜、刘茜:《环境资源法体系研究——从相关法律之间关系的角度谈<环境保护法>的修改》,环境法治与建设和谐社会——2007 年全国环境资源法学研讨会(2007.8.12~15·兰州)论文集,第 91 页。
     ①参见王树义:《可持续发展与中国环境法治》,科学出版社 2005 年版,第 119-122 页。
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