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With the increasing development of Precision Agriculture technology, the studies and applications of agricultural robots, in the world, have got more emphasis from many countries with plenty of results and examples. As a result, many kinds of agricultural robots, such as agricultural products harvesting robots, agricultural products classifying robots, weeding robots, fertilizing robots etc., have been produced.
     In this paper, a farmland information collecting robot is developed, which works in the tele-operating mode. Operators can telecontrol the robot to navigate and collect information by operating a human-machine interface of the High-end Console Navigating Software. By effectively managing and utilizing the information collected by the Farmland Information Analyzing Software, operators can achieve the instruction of agricultural production.
     First of all, in view of the special feature of farmland environment, the paper simply analyses the movements of the mechanical parts of the robot, then the design of the robot control system is elaborately depicted. The hardware of the robot control system includes the mainboard of robot, a RF Transceiver and a visual system based wireless LAN. The software of the robot control system is made of the High-end Console Navigating Software and the Farmland Information Analyzing Software.
     C8051F340, a kind of high-speed MCU with On-chip system, was adopted as the CPU of the robot to control all parts to work together; The electro-optical rotational speed detecting and controlling circuit was designed to realize closed-loop controlling driving motors of the robot;To keep the robot balance,the balanced detecting and regulating circuit was designed to closed-loop controlling step motors;The PWM principle and PID arithmetic were used to control the robot’s moving.
     To test the feasibility of the design, we made an indoor mechanical model of the robot and established a test system. Through operating the High-end Console Navigating Software, RF Transceiver and the Robot Control Circuit, we can remotely realize the precise control of the robot movements. The experiments have shown that the Farmland Information Collecting Robot could run smoothly, be controlled precisely,and besides, has a good real-time nature. As a mobile platform, it is also highly extensible and on various occasions can be equipped with many different devices to achieve different purposes.
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