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Greenland of residential areas is an important part of urban space and the main links of improving the urban ecological system.With the improvement of people’s living standard, the greening of residential area is laid emphasis on gradually.Appealling to the high greening rate and the high greenland rate, people’s request on the plant design of residential areas is more and more.Therefore,research on the characteristics of the plant landscape is the condition of improving the whole exaltation layer of residential areas in Nanjing.
     This paper selected nine residential areas as the main research object.Based on the investigation, the plant landscape of residential areas was divided as the center green open space, the green open space, the side green space, the water space.According to the investigation of the plant composition and the cluster fall structure, the different plant landscapes of residential areas was carried on concrete analysis,the comparison and the comprehensive evaluation, concluding the characteristics of the plant landscape and the better modes of the plant design.The research result is as follows:the species diversity index of the woody in the water space is relatively low,the species diversity index of the shrubbery is relatively high, the species even index of the plants is high;the species diversity index of the woody in the green open space is relatively high, the species diversity index of the shrubbery is relatively low, the species even index of the plant is low.The analysis to the visual effect of the nine residential areas from higher to lower is:the water space plant landscape, the side green space plant landscape, the center green open space plant landscape, the green open space plant landscape.According to the factor analysis, concluding that the visual effect of plant landscape was composed by comfort factor, environment factor, space factor, form factor.Based on some people’s research and the result of the factor analysis, a plant landscape comprehensive evaluation system was established and applied to the plant design of residential areas.Based on the result of the comprehensive evaluation, many plant configuration mode with beautiful plant landscape was proposed, which is suitable for plant design.
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