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Nowadays with the competition in the society becoming more and more fierce, people have to face the severe challenges. As higher vocational education is broadening its scale and developing greatly, various problems begin to arise. Higher vocational education focuses mainly on training students with technology application, who may have shorter time to study and face more violent competition under more stress than those undergraduate students. They are required to well master their major knowledge and technology as well as to improve their psychological quality, thus to better adapt to the society. Only those who have enough confidence on themselves to solve problems (i.e. having high general self-efficacy) can face the frustration in competition and finally achieve success. So it is of great significance to study those students’general self-efficacy, competitiveness and achievement motivation, to learn their preparations and psychological status for the competition, and to know how to improve their general self-efficacy and make it play an important role in improving their technical skill to achieve success.
     However, there are few domestic empirical researches on college students’competitiveness. Researches on the relations between general self-efficacy and achievement motivation are also uncommon, and researches on the relations between competitiveness and achievement motivation are still at the exploratory stage .What’s more, the related research on general self-efficacy, competitiveness and achievement motivation of students at higher vocational colleges hasn’t drawn much attention of the scholars. So this research aims to analyze the characteristics of general self-efficacy and competitiveness of students at higher vocational colleges in Guangxi and to discuss the relations among general self-efficacy, competitiveness and achievement motivation, thus to know students at higher vocational colleges in the western part of China; to improve the quality of the talent; to enrich the related theories of general self-efficacy, competitiveness and achievement motivation, and to supplement the related research on psychology counseling for students at higher vocational colleges, thus to provide theoretical and practical help for improvement of the mental health of higher vocational education.
     This research adopts 937 students of 4 higher vocational colleges in Guangxi Province as the objects of study and uses General Self-Efficacy Scale (i.e. GSES), The Achievement Motive Scale (i.e. AMS) and University Students’Competitiveness Scale as the investigation measurement. EXCEL2003 and SPSS11.0 are also used to analyze the data. Based on the data analysis, some research results are as followed:
     (1) The general self-efficacy of students at higher vocational colleges in Guangxi is above the average level. Their general self-efficacy remarkably differs in gender, grade and major. Male general self-efficacy is higher than female; sophomores and juniors have higher general self-efficacy than freshmen; students of science and engineering have higher general self-efficacy than those of arts; while their birthplace, sibling situation, family structure and financial status make no difference to it.
     (2) Students at higher vocational colleges in Guangxi are capable of an upper second in competitiveness.①Their total score of competitiveness, competitive motivation, competitive tactics, behavior tendency, self-display, profit gain, authority competition, interest competition and life competition are greatly different in gender, in which male students have a higher score than female students except in interest competition.②Their total score of competitiveness, competitive motivation and competitive tactics are different in grade. Sophomores are higher than freshmen in the total score of competitiveness and competitive tendency; sophomores and juniors are higher than freshmen in competitive tactics; while freshmen are higher than juniors in competitive motivation.③Their total score of competitiveness, competitive tendency, competitive motivation, competitive tactics and competitive substance are different in major, in which students of science and engineering are much higher than those of arts.④They differ only in competitive tactics for their different birthplaces. Students from the urban area are higher than those from the rural area.⑤Their competitive tactics are also differed for their sibling situation. Only-child is higher than non- only child.⑥Their total score of competitiveness and competitive tactics are different due to the family structure. Students of single-parent family are higher than those of non single-parent family.⑦Their family financial status only makes difference to the competitive tactics. Those from the well-off families are higher than those from families with moderate or lower financial conditions.
     (3) Students at higher vocational colleges in Guangxi have a general level in the motivation of pursuing success and avoiding failure. The motivation of pursuing success is more than that of avoiding failure, thus the general achievement motivation is well below the average.
     (4) General self-efficacy of students at higher vocational colleges in Guangxi has relations with motivation of pursuing success and motivation of avoiding failure. Each level of general self-efficacy is different in motivation of pursuing success, the group with higher score in general self-efficacy has much better lever in pursuing success .While the difference in motivation of avoiding failure is not marked. The total score and dimension of competitiveness have a lot to do with the motivation of pursuing success and avoiding failure. Students in high rank are different from those in low rank; the high rank group is above the low group. Their general self-efficacy, total scores of competitiveness and its dimension have relations with each other. Students of high general self-efficacy are different from those of low general self-efficacy in the total score of competitiveness and its dimension. General self-efficacy and competitiveness interact each other; their general self-efficacy along with the dimension of competitiveness can be adopted to predict their motivation of pursuing success and avoiding failure. General self-efficacy and competitiveness are the essential elements of affecting the achievement motivation of vocational students.
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