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Giving more attention to victim’s interests in criminal justice, recovering the subjective position of victim in criminal procedure and realizing the criminal recovery have become a theme of current criminal justice reform. Because of so many disadvantages of the traditional criminal justice system, a different paradigm which is called Victim-Offender Reconciliation (VOR for short) for understanding and responding to issues of crime and justice has developed among every country. Victim-Offender reconciliation takes restorative justice as it’s core value idea and takes dialogue and negotiation as it’s main procedure feature Now Victim-Offender Reconciliation has already developed becoming international tidal current in the latest twenty or thirty years. When study on and Stereotype Victim-Offender Reconciliation as a new-emerging institution, we also track down the origin of the System’s emergence which is companied with thought and cultural factor base on the rational level. Only in this way, can we embody the requirement of practice in society and judicature, and faithful to the original intention of Victim-Offender reconciliation. Because all of above , this article stand on the successful experiences of other countries in the Construction of VOR and the underground of our country as well as judicial practice; explore the existing condition and development direction of VOR. Hope that all of these efforts can be helpful to construct Victim-Offender Reconciliation with Chinese characteristics .To be specific, this article is divided into three parts.
     Part one, emergence of Victim-Offender Reconciliation. In this part, author discusses the practice of VOR in other countries after it’s rising as a system. Pass the analysis to VOR of representative several countries, author also sum up out the similarity that VOR has run after in value seeking and procedure design, and reach a conclusion that VOR has already became one of the focal point of modern international judicial reform. And draw forth from this, gain to such one kind universal identity of all the countries in the world, system thought culture of producing the back being hit by extremely rich life-force in practice background exploration. Then, have passed the analysis to this background, revealing the thought culture that VOR produces origin.
     Part two, rational analysis for Victim-Offender Reconciliation. Author discusses the relevant practice in abroad of VOR, after it’s rising. The article sum up the similarities both on the procedure design and value seeking of VOR, by analyzing VOR of several typical countries. The article also reaches the conclusion that Victim-Offender Reconciliation already became one focal points of modern international judicial reform. Firstly, the concept in VOR has discriminated description being hit by the VOR concept having introduced that the international mounts current relating to, and has analyzed the VOR nature--a kind of criminal contract further. This system further has made clear that for using VOR on the concept , the author has analyzed the differences between VOR and other systems which easy to confuse with VOR , has built build for the hereafter in system in practice in clearing away obstacles theoretically. Secondly, having introduced that the theoretical foundation of the creation of VOR, this is basis of there existing in any kind of system and development, is also what can not be short of research content when carrying out reason analysis on criminal compromise. Finally, is the value of Victim-Offender Reconciliation. This is also exactly the key significance that VOR there exists in system.
     Part three, construction of Victim-Offender Reconciliation in China. This part is the key of the passage as well as the purpose. Before one system is established in a country, an investigation which bases on a deep understanding of the country’s culture and system into its feasibility and necessity is pre-requisite, and only by this way can we make the best choice tally with the situation of the country. Taking those into consideration, the writer analyzes the feasibility of establishing Victim-Offender Reconciliation in China on the following three aspects: China’s cultural traditions, the active judicial system, and our criminal policy including both loose and severe parts. Considering the necessity of constructing a harmonious society during the time of social transformation and the protection of criminals and victims’benefits, the writer expatiate the necessity of constructing Victim-Offender Reconciliation. The writer presents detailed dissertation which contains the mould, applicable conditions, scope of the case, applicable phases, efficiency, subjects, time-limit of Victim-Offender Reconciliation as with the design of constructing the system in China. We come up with our own thoughts on specific points of the construction because we find those successful cases of foreign countries don’t go with the situation of China when we are using foreign countries’correlative experience for reference. Eventually we come to a conclusion: we have made some helpful attempts in the field of Victim-Offender Reconciliation, which efficiently carry out penal pacification system by a certain extent together with those academic research chaperonage. On the other way we are supposed to have the awareness that if we blindly set up Victim-Offender Reconciliation system in China but regardless of our special law values, social environment and other local elements, it will leads to the confusion of judiciary system rather than those helpful functions it exerts in western countries. Therefore, the structure to Victim-Offender Reconciliation builds the upper prudent basis practice responding to the national conditions studying sufficiently.
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