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As an important part of assurance of human rights in criminal action, national compensation system for criminal victims has long been developed in many foreign countries. As an active supporter of national action for the Guarantee of human rights, it is true time for China to play up its role to meet related standards. Nowadays in China, legislation on compensation system for criminal victims has not been established. What’s more, scholars have different views on this question. In this thesis, several opinions have been held forth, which may be of some help for the establishment of this system in China.
     There are Three parts in this thesis, total word number of which is about 28 000.
     Part I:Summary of national compensation system for criminal victims
     In this part, connotation and extension of national compensation system for criminal victims have been defined. Necessity of establishment of this system has also been illustrated. It is believed, it is practical to develop this system considering such actual situations as the notions, theories, practical experiences and materials in China.
     Part II: Analysis of current situation of national compensation system for criminal victims in China
     There are three sections in this part. In Section One, 9 different views held by scholars have been listed and analyzed. It is concluded that all these views are limited to the attention on advantages and interests, which can not act as theoretical foundation. Whereas theories about justness and rightness, nation’s contractual obligation, theory of comparative advantage, effectiveness and values theory and public welfare theory have not only absorbed the reasonable ideas in the 9 views listed above,but also returned back to the origin of theory, which is helpful for deep understanding of the theoretical core of national compensation system for criminal victims. In Section Two, criminal suit law and related judicial interpretations of China have been analyzed. It is concluded that there are many failures in assurance of Criminal Victims. In Section Three, the practical judicial experiences have been evaluated. Because national compensation system for criminal victims has not been developed, economic losses of criminal victims are usually compensated through administrative remedy and subsidiary civil actions, which have their own shortcomings.
     Part III: Construction of national compensation system for criminal victims in China
     It is believed that the principle of justness and rightness, the principle of compensating equalization and the principle of reparation giving priority to compensation are applicable in the compensation of criminal victims. Criminal types which need compensation for criminal victims are mainly violent crime, including negligent and intentional violence. Considerate compensation should be applied for criminal victims of nonviolent crime if they can not afford the dangerous consequences. For example, the criminal victims of crime of fraud, who can not afford their life, should be compensated. As for the object and extent of compensation, it is believed many useful experiences of foreign countries can be learned. Applicants for national compensation may be the victims and their relatives. The extent of compensation includes both bodily injury and material damage. From the study of the author, it is convinced mental damage should be excluded from the extent of compensation. The financial sources and management of national compensation system are also been studied. Special compensation fund should be established in China, whose sources may be tax revenue, payment of criminals, social donations and subvention from foreign governments and national institutions. At the end, procedures and administrative organization of national compensation system have been analyzed in details.
1 参见韩慧、徐伟:《谁该为刑事被害人“埋单”》,载于中国法院网: http://www.chinacourt.org/public/detail.php?id(访问日期:2007 年 5 月 8 日)。
    2 参见《新闻晨报》2007 年 9 月 15 日。
    3 依照美国学者 Stephan Schafer 之看法,犯罪被害人于刑事政策上的地位沿革分为三个时期:第一个时期“被害人黄金时期”(从古代至中世纪止);第二个时期“被害人衰退期”(从中世纪至近代为止);第三个时期“被害人复活期”(二次世界大战以后)。参见[台]许福生著:《刑事政策学》,中国民主法制出版社2006 年 7 月版,第 431-432 页。
    4 参见《牛津现代高级英汉双解词典》,商务印书馆 1994 年版,第 232 页。
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     7 参见房绍坤著:《国家赔偿法原理与实务》,北京大学出版社 1998 年版,第 54 页。
     8 参见张正钊主编:《行政法与行政诉讼法》,中国人民大学出版社 1999 年版,第 310 页。
     9 赵可著:《被害者学》,中国矿业大学出版社 1989 年版,第 218 页。
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    12 见温家宝:《政府工作报告》,人民出版社 2004 年版。
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    16 赵可主编:《被害者学》,中国矿业大学出版社 1998 年版,第 218 页。
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    23 [英]弗里德利希·冯·哈耶克著:《法律、立法与自由》,中国大百科全书出版社 2000 年版。
    24 [日]大谷实:《犯罪被害人及其补偿》,黎宏译,载《中国刑事法杂志》2000 年第 2 期。
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    27 参见宋英辉著:《刑事诉讼原理导读》,法律出版社 2003 年版,第 121 页。
    28 参见劳东燕:《事实与规范之间――从被害人视角对刑事实体法体系的反思》,载《中外法学》2006年第 3 期。
    29 陈瑞华著:《程序性制裁理论》,中国法制出版社 2005 年版,第 17 页。
    30 参见李文健著:《刑事诉讼效率论》,中国政法大学出版社 1997 年版,第 34 页。
    31 [美]理查德·A·波斯纳著:《法律的经济分析》,蒋兆康译,中国大百科全书出版社 1997 年版,第 1页。
    32 刘青峰、王洪坚:《公正与效率的法理学透视》,载《人民法院报》2001 年 4 月 16 日。
     34 杨立心:《关于被害人诉讼地位的比较研究》,载《上海市政法管理干部学院学报》2001 年第 2 期。
     35 杨瑞:《刑事附带民事诉讼制度的检讨——从被害人权利保护角度》,载《广西政法管理干部学院学报》2004 年 7 月,第 63 页。
     36 肖建华:《刑事附带民事诉讼制度的内在冲突与协调》,载《法学研究》2001 年 6 月,第 58 页。
     37 转引自[台]许福生著:《刑事政策学》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 443 页。
     38 参见汤啸天等著:《犯罪被害人》,甘肃人民出版社 1998 年版,第 275 页。
    39 许永强著:《刑事法制视野中的被害人》,中国检察出版社 2003 年版,第 171 页。杨正万著,《被害人问题研究》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2002 年版,第 339 页。
    40 杨正万著:《被害人问题研究》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2002 年版,第 345 页。
    41 许永强著:《刑事法制视野中的被害人》,中国检察出版社 2003 年版,第 174-175 页。
    42 杨正万著:《被害人问题研究》,中国人民公安大学出版社 2002 年版,第 339 页。
    43 [法]卡斯东·斯特法尼等著:《法国刑事诉讼法精义》,罗结珍译,中国政法大学出版社 1998 年版,第 176 页。
    44 第一次被害是针对犯罪人的犯罪行为而言的;第二次被害是就司法机关在处理诉讼过程中,由于欠缼考量而导致加深被害人的犯罪被害,如性犯罪,为了发现真实,导致侵害被害人的稳私;第三次被害因第一次与第二次被害,如不予适当照顾而放任不管,可能会导致被害人自暴自弃。参见[台]许福生著:《刑事政策学》,中国民主法制出版社 2006 年版,第 435 页。
     45 孙彩虹:《建构我国犯罪被害人国家补偿制度的设想》,载《河南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2004年第 1 期。
     46 参见罗大华、孙政:《论刑事被害人国家补偿制度》,载《河南司法警官职业学院学报》2004 年第 1 期。
    47 张汉昌:《建立我国刑事被害人国家补偿制度刍议》,载《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》2003年第 5 期。另外,李伟著:《犯罪学的基本范畴》,北京大学出版社出版 2004 年版,也提出在我国补偿机构以各级法院为宜。李玉华在其论刑事被害人国家补偿制度(载《政法论坛》2000 年第 1 期)一文中认为应在各级人民法院内设立补偿委员会作为犯罪被害补偿的管理机构。

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