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     本文用Visual C++6.0设计实现了绝缘子憎水性检测系统软件,在实验室阶段取得了较好的应用效果。本文最后还对边缘检测算法研究中遇到的相关问题进行了分析说明,如阈值选择,边缘模糊清晰化,水珠特征提取等。
Edge is one of the basic characters of an image. Edge detection has been widely used in image processing, image analysis and computer vision, and it is the basis of them. So, Edge detection is always the hot and focus in the research field of digital image processing.
     The background of the bead image is complex. The transparence of the bead leads to the small difference of the gray level between the background and the object, the reflection of the light from water leads to the illegibility of the edge at the side facing the light, which leads to the difficulty of the recognition of the bead edge. In order to get a good edge detecting, firstly, the character and the filtering algorithm of the bead image are analyzed. The result shows that using Gaussian filter and adaptive filter can get satisfied result. There have been many algorithms proposed for the edge detection of images. But the different algorithm has different performance. It is hard to propose a general method of edge detection applied to all cases so far. Especially, images obtained from the real-world scenes are general buried in noise. Both edges and noise may be obtained in an attempt to detect edges from an image with a large amount of noise. How to detect edges reliably and accurately in the presence of noise has remained an important issue in the field of edge detection. So, it has been the focus of current research work to find new methods for edge detection with specific application requirements or to make improvements to existing method. This thesis sets about research for need of the water resist identify system and designs suited algorithms and project to resolve practical problems, and get satisfied result.
     Firstly, the classic methods of image edge detection and automatic threshold region segmentation method based on entropy are introduced, this thesis compare the characteristic of all kinds of methods on bead image edge detection by using theoretical analysis and computation. Secondly, the Canny edge detection algorithm is analyzed. The algorithm of edge detection based on Canny theory is improved in allusion to the drawbacks of the traditional Canny edge detection algorithm. Adaptive Canny edge detection not only keeps the traditional Canny's excellent performance in good localization, only one response to single edge and good detection, but also improves the performance in detail of edge detection and in restraining false edge and it gets a good performance in practical edge detection.
     Water resist identify system is realized using Visual C++6.0 program tool and it gets a good applied effect in the lab stage. Lastly, some correlative problems in the research of edge detection algorithm are analyzed and illuminated, such as threshold selection, illegible edge legible, bead characteristic pick-up etc.
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