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In the past of one hundred years, Chinese cartoons have experienced success, instability, trough, and hope. With the globalization, Chinese cartoon-makers have begun to face the crash from foreign counties, as to rebuild the glory of Chinese cartoon kingdom. Many cartoon-makers are indulging themselves into this giant reconstruction project, in academy and practice facets, including folk cartoon producers and official organization. They have started to focus on the psychological need of local audiences, and attach importance to the inditing and narrating process of the cartoons. So they can find the correct narrating ideas that are the junction among the traditional culture, local narrating text, and world cartoons. Then what is the audience psychology? What are cartoons' narrating ideas? Why do the narrating ideas have to change? How to organize and improve the narration? What is the development direction of Chinese cartoon narration? All of these questions are my objects of the research. Consequently I hold that the narrating ideas should be converted into the versatile ones, and meet the diversified demand of Chinese audiences, meanwhile cartoon-makers must combine the virtues of two narration modes(artistic conception narration and story narration) together. This thesis looks backward the traditional Chinese cartoons, and compares the Japanese and the U.S.A ones by the narration theory. So it is easy to find out the characters of the Chinese narration and the important meanings for the cartoon development.
     This thesis includes eight chapters. The first one is introduction, which comprise the background, the purpose and the research value. The second one is consisted of the research methods, process, and theory systems. The third one analyses the reason why Chinese narration ideas come into being and the influence from the ideas. The fourth one use the detailed cases to distinguish two narration modes. The fifth chapter generalizes the characters of the Chinese narration. The sixth chapter is the audience research. The seventh one focuses on the cartoon's narration development direction. The eighth chapter is conclusion.
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