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     本文通过分析比较中国古典名著《红楼梦》的两个英译本(杨宪益夫妇的A Dream of Red Mansions和霍克斯与闵福德合作的The Story of the Stone)在处理某些文化内容时所采取的不同翻译策略,归纳出它们各自的主要特点,并引进“翻译情境”这一概念,试图从翻译情境中的一系列主要因素,即翻译目的、意识形态、文本地位以及读者类型等方面进行考察,从而进一步探讨可能影响译者采取不同翻译策略的原因以及翻译情境对译者翻译策略的影响。
Translation is not only a mere shift of language codes, but a process of intercultural communication.
     Hong Lou Meng, known as one of the Chinese literary classics, has been translated into various foreign languages, among which A Dream of Red Mansions by Yang Xianyi and his wife and The Story of the Stone by Hawkes and Minford are the two most complete English versions. Through a comparison of their respective translation strategies in dealing with the cultural contents in the book, this thesis aims at finding out the various objective reasons that may affect the translators’decisions in adopting different strategies and ultimately introducing a new concept“translation situation”and studying the impact the translation situation has on the translators.
     The translation strategy, to be more specific,“domestication”or“foreignization”, in a certain sense, is a result of the interactions of the factors of translation situation. It is suggested in this thesis that we should take translation situation into consideration in order to evaluate the translation properly.
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