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本文提出了一种新颖的可重构平面单极子天线,该天线能够在两个较宽的频段实现圆极化辐射,并且能够通过射频开关控制其圆极化特性的切换。天线由矩形的单极子辐射贴片以及矩形的地板构成,地板上左右对称地加载了两个L型缝隙以及带状凸块。缝隙以及凸块能够产生两个谐振模式,激励正交于矩形贴片的辐射电流,从而实现双频的圆极化。通过在缝隙的末端加载射频开关,可以实现天线在左旋圆极化和右旋圆极化之间切换。实测结果显示天线的带宽能够覆盖1.48–2.70 GHz,其中圆极化带宽为1.52–1.62 GHz以及2.34–2.53 GHz,能够应用于需要接收GPS以及WLAN圆极化信号的无线终端。
A novel reconfigurable monopole antenna is presented with switchable dual-band circular polarization capability. The antenna is composed of a rectangular monopole and a ground plane with two L-shape slots and two stubs. The slots and stubs are loaded symmetrically at two sides of the ground to generate two resonant modes and excite horizontal currents orthogonal to that of the rectangular monopole for circular polarization. Two PIN diodes are used to switch two resonant modes between left hand circular polarization(LHCP) and right hand circular polarization(RHCP). Measured results show that the proposed antenna provides a wide bandwidth from 1.48 GHz to 2.70 GHz. The 3 d B axial ratio bandwidths are from 1.52 GHz to 1.62 GHz and from 2.34 GHz to 2.53 GHz for GPS and WLAN application.
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    3 周鋆,杨雪霞,吕艳青,江超,一种共面带状线馈电的圆极化双频微带天线,.微波学报,2011(4),73-76.
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    6 J.S.Row,W.L.Liu and T.R.Chen,"Circular polarization and polarization reconfigurable designs for annular slot antennas,"IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.60 ,no.12,pp.5998-6002,Dec.2012
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    10 C.F.Jou,J.W.Wu and C.J.Wang,"Novel broadband monopole antennas with dual-band circular polarization,"IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation,vol.57,no.4,pp.1027-1034,April.2009.
    11 A.Sedghara and Z.Atlasbaaf."Reconfigurable single-feed antenna with switchable polarization,”in Proc.ICEE,May.14-16,2013,pp.1-4.

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