1. [地质云]滑坡
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本文提出了一种新型的宽带低剖面全向圆极化天线。首先,在圆盘天线上加载短路钉,使得天线的低阶模(TM_(01)模)与高阶模(TM_(02)模)互相耦合,从而实现了宽带化。其次,通过在圆盘天线上蚀刻非对称缝隙,在水平方向上实现了全向圆极化辐射。仿真表明,该天线的10d B阻抗匹配带宽为18.8%,3d B轴比带宽达到了16.7%,而高度仅为0.028λ_0。
This paper proposes a novel wideband low-profile omnidirectional circularly polarized antenna. Firstly, by loading shorting vias on a circular patch antenna, the lower mode(TM_(01) mode) is generated and coupled to the higher mode(TM_(02) mode). Then, a wide bandwidth is achieved. Secondly, by adopting asymmetrically placed slits, an omnidirectional circularly polarized radiation can be obtained. Simulated results show that, with a low profile of 0.028λ_0, the antenna has a 10 d B impedance bandwidth of 16.6% and a axial ratio bandwidth of 14.8%.
1 Y.M.Pan,S.Y.Zheng,and B.J.Hu,Wideband and Low-Profile Omnidirectional Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna,IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,vol.62,no.8,2014,4347–4351
    2 D.Yu,S.X.Gong,Y.T.Wan,Y.L.Yao,Y.X.Xu,and F.W.Wang,Wideband omnidirectional circularly polarized patch antenna based on vortex slots and shorting vias,IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,vol.62,no.8,2014,3970–3977
    3 J.Liu,Q.Xue,H.Wong,H.W.Lai,and Y.Long,Design and analysis of a low-profile and broadband microstrip monopolar patch antenna,IEEE Trans.Antennas Propag.,vol.61,no.1,2013,11–18