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目的探讨PBL与LBL交互教学模式在牙体解剖学教学中的应用价值。方法将2014级口腔医学本科生40人随机分为两组,每组各20人,分别行PBL+LBL交互教学模式和LBL教学模式,通过考试成绩及问卷调查的方式来对两组教学效果进行评价,并进行统计学分析。结果考试成绩显示,PBL+LBL交互教学组成绩明显优于LBL教学组,问卷调查显示学生对PBL+LBL交互教学模式更为满意。结论 PBL+LBL交互教学模式应用于牙体解剖学教学中既能节约教学资源,又能启发学生积极思维,培养学习兴趣,增强师生互动交流,提高课堂效率。
Objective To discuss the application of the Combination of PBL with LBL in dental anatomy teaching.Methods Forty students majored in oral medicine admitted in our department in 2014 were randomlydivided into PBL-LBLgroup and LBL group(20 students in each group).The test scores and questionair scores ofthese students were compared statistically analysed.Results There wassignificant difference in test scores between PBL-LBLgroup and LBL group(P<0.05).Questionair scores in PBL-LBL group was significantly satisfied.Conclusion Implementing PBL-LBLmode is feasible without extracting great demandfrom limited educational resources.And the results demonstrated that this teaching mode cultivated students' interest,strengthenedinteractions between teachers and students and increased teaching efficiency.
[1]Onyon C.Problem-based learning:a review of the educational and psychological theory[J].Clin,Teach,2012,9(1):22-26.

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