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本文描述海南昌江核电厂220 kV主开关站GIS在调试期间出现的断路器拒合故障现象,通过对故障现象进行分析、处理,探究GIS断路器操动机构可靠因素,通过实验验证,指出断路器操动机构减震缓冲垫是影响操动机构可靠性的重要因素,针对该因素提出整改措施,以防止同类事件再次发生,并为同类问题的处理提供借鉴。
This article describes the refused closing phenomenon of GIS circuit breaker during debugging in 220 kV main switching station of Hainan Changjiang Nuclear Power Plant,Via the way of analysis and process to failure phenomenon,explore the reliable factors of GIS circuit breaker operation mechanism,By experimental verification,point out that the cushioning pad of circuit breaker operation mechanism is an important factor which can affect the reliability of operation mechanism,then propose corrective measures for this factor to prevent similar incidents from happening again,and to provide a reference for dealing with similar problems.
[1]GB 7674-2008,额定电压72.5 kV及以上气体绝缘金属封闭开关设备[S].

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