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Objective:to explore the patients with insomnia sleep behavior and coping styles and the clinical effect of psychological intervention.Selection methods:from January 2015 to February 2015 between the received 30 cases of patients with insomnia,sleep behavior of the patients with observation and analysis,and the implementation of response and psychological intervention,after observing its effect Results:after dealing with the intervention on the patients,the sleep score improved significantly,nighttime anxiety scores by 5.36 +/-1.65 before intervention(points) to improve to 2.58 +/-1.43(points),after intervention non-functional before sleep score by the intervention of 3.92 +/-1.62(points) to improve to 2.56 +/-1.97(points),after intervention on sleep of irrational beliefs scores by 4.46 +/-1.36 before intervention(points) to improve after the intervention of 3.41 +/-1.21(points) its prognostic score difference to be markedly before and intervention,P <0.05,and difference.

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