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To understand the Sichuan-Tibet Railway 'Major Bridge Engineering route selection',and to comprehend the influential factors of bridge site selection in precipitous and mountainous areas,discussing the principles of the major bridge selection in order to provide the guidance and advice for major bridge engineering route selection in precipitous and mountainous areas.'Major bridge engineering route selection' need fully consider effects of the line alignment,engineering geology,hydrogeology,environmental geology,terrain and condition of river,flood and channel navigation conditions at the bridge site.Through the multiple bridge site schemes comparisons,determination of route is based the philosophy of choosing bride site which is technically reliable,riskily controllable,investment saving,optimal operation and maintenance.
[1]朱颖.复杂山区铁路选线原则研究[C]II复杂艰险山区铁路选线与总体设计论文集.北京:人民交通出版社,2012.ZHU YING.Study on the principle of railway route selection on complex precipitous and mountainous areas[C]//Collection of essays:Complex precipitous and mountainous areas route selection and general design.Beijing:China Communications Press,2012.

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