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In view of the subdivision of Gaotaizi reservoirs in the eastern part of the southern first block of Sazhong Oilfield,there are some problems such as big workload in testing and adjustment, large difference in section,serious acid sensitivity, difficult injection, and separate layer production distribution cannot be regulated in production wells. Fine injection-production technologies test has been carried out. Through the application of six technologies as packers releasing in stage, long-term profile control, eccentric plug for constant flow water distribution, surfactant injection, long-term fracturing in multi-interval injectors, and separate layer production distribution in pumping wells, the integrated injection-production technology has been realized in the Gaotaizi reservoir in a large scale for the first time. A combined model of fine injection-production with subdivision as main part was formed in multi-layer, long span and high water cut reservoir. The fine injection-production technology has been applied in 416 wells; the natural decline rate was reduced by 9. 4 percent; the annual increment rate of water cut was dropped by 0. 67 percent with the obvious development effect; and the cumulative oil increment up to7. 85×10~4t in the block. The combined technology has broad prospect in the future.

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