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随着GIS技术的迅速发展,空间数据高效、快速处理越来越受到了重视。通过程序扩展设计来进行数据自动化处理是非常有用的。尤其是批量数据处理时是非常有用的。Arc GIS中的Model Builder模块为空间数据处理自动化提供了平台,从Arc GIS 9.X之后ESRI开始将Python语言引入供用户可以编程实现空间数据快速处理,文章介绍了如何使用Python语言调用Arc GIS站点包进行空间数据处理。
Geographic information systems belong the group of applications that process spatial data. Some spatial analyses are operated repetitively in the same way for different area or district. Therefore it is useful when the data processing can be run automatically by program extension designed especially for batch data processing. Arc GIS software offers a possibility to design the steps of data processing by data flow diagram in the graphic editor Model Builder. In some cases the data flow diagram which is designed in Model Builder component is not sufficient for all require tasks. In such cases,it is possible to automatically convert data flow diagram into the Python language and supplement the program code with other program constructions and commands. Some practical examples are presented in this article. All Python scripts were developed as a part of several research projects at Department of Geinformatics at Palacky University in the Czech Republic. This article is a sum of experience with scripting in Python for Arc GIS geoprocessor.
[1]Z.Dobesova,―Visual programming language in geographic information systems‖,NAUN/IEEE.AM International Conferences,WSEAS Press,Prague,2011,in press
    [2]What is Python?Executive Summary.Python documentation.Python Software Foundation.Retrieved 2011-08-1
    [3]ESRI,Geoprocessor Programming Model Arc GIS 9.3 2009[accessed 19 April 2010]
    [4]Z.Dobesova,―Automatic generation of digital elevation models using Python scripts‖,Conference Proceedings SGEM 2011,11th International Multidisciplinary Scientific Geo Conference.STEF92 Technology Ltd.,Sofia,Bulgaria,2011,ISSN1314-2704,pp.599-604
    [5]Z.Dobesova,T.Valent,―Program Extension for Diagram Maps‖.Geodesy and Cartography,37(01),Taylor&Francis,2011,pp.22-28.ISSN:2029-7009

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