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目的:探讨百草枯中毒患者胰石蛋白(PSP)水平改变与临床预后的相关性分析。方法:本研究连续性纳入2011年1月—2015年1月在我院住院治疗的20例急性PQ中毒患者。入院时和入院后3天两个时间点进行TNFα、PCT和PSP检验和分析。结果:入院第3天PQ组患者TNFα(205.2±74.5 pg/mL vs.102.4±34.8 pg/mL,P<0.05)和PSP(59.2±12.3 ng/mL vs.14.0±2.6 ng/mL,P<0.05)水平明显高于对照组。死亡亚组TNFα(214.5±79.2 pg/mL vs.192.8±70.1 pg/mL,P<0.05)和PSP(76.2±16.9 ng/mL vs.45.2±8.2 ng/mL,P<0.05)明显高于存活亚组。入院时PSP水平(AUC=0.743,95%CI0.611-0.846,P<0.05),入院第3天PSP水平(AUC=0.842,95%CI 0.789-0.948,P<0.05)和PSP改变值△(AUC=0.882,95%CI 0.783-0.976,P<0.05)可以对PQ患者28天死亡率具有一定的预测价值。入院时PSP(r=0.554,P<0.05)、入院后第3天PSP(r=0.638,P<0.05)和△PSP(r=0.776,P<0.05)与PQ患者28天死亡事件呈正相关。入院第3天PSP(是否大于89.3)(OR=1.67,95%CI 0.96-2.98,P<0.05)和△PSP(是否大于36.4)(OR=1.89,95%CI 1.03-3.53,P<0.05)为YAP患者死亡的独立危险因素。结论:PQ患者血清PSP水平进行性上升,与28天死亡事件密切相关,可以成为新型预测PQ患者临床预后的生物学标记物。
Objective:To evaluate the correlation value between serum pancreatic stone protein(PSP) and clinical prognosis in patients with paraquat(PQ) poisoning.Methods:Twenty PQ patients were enrolled in this study.The levels of TNFa,PCT and PSP were measure in two time points:the admission day and 3-days after admission.Results:In PQ group,the levels of TNFa(205.2±74.5 pg/mL vs.102.4±34.8 pg/mL,P<0.05) and PSP(59.2±12.3 ng/mL vs.14.0±2.6 ng/mL,P<0.05) on 3-days after admission were higher than those in control group.In dead subgroup,the levels of TNFa(214.5±79.2 pg/mL vs.192.8±70.1 pg/mL,P<0.05) and PSP(76.2±16.9 ng/mL vs.45.2±8.2 ng/mL,P<0.05) on 3-days after admission were higher than those in control group.ROC analysis showed that the contents of PSP on 3-days after admission and A PSP had significant prognosis value for 28-day mortality in PQ patients.Correlation analysis showed that the levels of PSP on admission day and 3-days after admission and A PSP were positively associated with mortality.Logistic regression analysis showed that PSP on 3-days after admission and A PSP were independent risk factor for PQ mortality.Conclusion:PQ poisoning can progressively increase the serum levels of PSP,which may contribute PSP as a novel biomarker for clinical prognosis for PQ patients.

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