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本文采用水滑石纳米片与外源性5-ALA通过静电吸附作用构建ALA-LDH纳米复合材料,并进一步将FA引入水滑石纳米载药体系。通过细胞实验分别考察了ALA-FA-LDH的细胞摄取量、光敏剂荧光成像性能和光动力治疗效果。由于纳米复合材料存在叶酸靶向作用,药物在具有叶酸受体的癌细胞大量积累,并且由于正常细胞中反馈调节机制的存在~([1]),癌细胞中存在大量5-ALA转化的PphIX积累,实验表明ALA-FA-LDH(5-ALA浓度为5μg/mL)处理的癌细胞经过25 mw/cm~2的635 m的近红外光照20 min,能够达到72.6%的细胞杀伤力,具有较好的光动力治疗价值。
Herein, we have reported a targeted photosensitizer ALA-FA-LDH by the method of electrostatic adsorption. The composite material displays the regular platelet morphology. A series of characterization indicate that 5-ALA and FA are loaded on LDH. In vitro tests performed with KB cells demonstrate a highly enhanced cellar uptake and excellent photosensitizer fluorescence imaging ability for the ALA-FA/LDH. A satisfactory in vitro ALA-PDT effectiveness of the ALA-FA/LDH composite is obtained, which exhibits a cellular damage as high as 72.6% with an ultra-low dosage of 5-ALA(5 μg/mL) and a weak 635 nm irradiation(25 mw/cm~2, 20 min). The main reason for the excellent photosensitizer fluorescence imaging ability and ALA-PDT effectiveness can be ascribed to that LDH nanocarriers change the way of 5-ALA uptake through clathrin-mediated endocytosis.
[1]Liang,R.;Tian,R.;Ma,L.;Zhang,L.;Hu,Y.;Wang,J.;Wei,M.;Yan,D.;Evans,D.G.;Duan,X.Adv.Funct Mater.2014,24(21):3144.

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