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The physical and chemical adsorption properties of shale were studied.Various types of pores and microcracks were observed by SEM in the shale samples.Results of Nitrogen adsorption/desorption indicated that the pore-size of shale samples was concentrated in 1nm and 4nm,the pores from 1 to 2nm and 3 to 4nm provided most of the pore-volume(under 10nm).These shale samples had good fractal characterization.Most of the fractal dimensions were between 2.7 and 2.8,which means the surface were rougher and micropores widespread.The adsorption of carbon dioxide on shales indicated that most of the pores were between 0.3 and 0.7nm when the poresize was under 2nm.This pore-size distribution tended to provide more surface area.The amount of the methane adsorbed on shales was positively correlated with pore-volume in a certain range.
[1]Wang,M.;Xue,H.T.;Tian,S,S.;Ronald W.T.W.;Wang,Z.W.Marine and Petroleum Geology.2015,67:144.
    [2]Chalmers,G.R.,Bustin,R.M.,Power,I.M.Aapg Bulletin.2012,96(6):1099.

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