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When the train is running on the elastic fastener sections and the general fastener sections, the interior noise environment of the vehicle will be changed. In this measurement the speed of train is 40 km/h. The authors have tested the noise of the front, the middle and the rear part of the passenger car and the cab. The results were evaluated with A-weighted sound pressure level, linear level and sound quality parameters based on psychoacoustics( loudness, sharpness, roughness, volatility, Psychoacoustic Annoyance and Speech Interference Level). The evaluation results show that the interior noise mainly concentrated in the middle and low frequency ranges. The noise environment of the vehicle in elastic fasteners sections is worse than that in the general fastener sections, and it can't meet the requirements of human comfort. Among the psychoacoustic evaluation parameters, loudness, Psychoacoustic Annoyance and Speech Interference Level can better reflect loudness of noise about subjective feeling changes.
    [8]Zwicker E,Fastl H.Psychoacoustics:Facts and Models[M].2nd ed.New York:Springer,1999.
    [10]GB 14892-2006,城市轨道交通列车噪声限值和测量方法,(2006).

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