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针对某运输机背部加装大型附加物后,出现航向稳定性和纵向稳定性不足的现象,本文提出了一种加装平尾端板的气动补偿措施,并对端板的尺寸、位置进行了风洞试验对比研究,获得了满足不同的稳定性改进目标需求的平尾端板外形尺寸以及气动影响量。风洞试验结果表明,平尾端板的气动补偿效果与其布置位置、外形尺寸密切相关.采用展弦比λ≈3、1/2弦线后掠角x_(1/2)≈6°、面积S=0.018 m~2的平尾翼尖端板布置方案可带来全机C_(nβ)增加0.0007、C_(mCL)增加-0.034的气动补偿效果,基本达到了某运输机的航向和纵向稳定性补偿目标,飞机的飞行品质得到明显改善,同时对飞行性能基本无影响。
The fly quality of a transport reduced after lifting a large accessory outside the fuselage,which could be attributed to lack of enough directional stability and longitudinal stability,a design method using horizontal tail end plate is proposed in this paper in order to increase the directional stability and longitudinal stability,as well as the end plate geometry size,location,and other parameters are studied to find the most appropriate case to meet the different stability improvement objective need.The result of wind tunnel test shows that it could bring a effect of △C_(nβ)≈0.0007 & △C_(mCL)≈-0.034 by using a horizontal tail end plate case of λ≈3、χ_(1/2)≈6° 、S=0.018 m~2 at the tip.fly test also shows the fly quality is improved and the fly performance keep the same level.
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    [2]Frazier W.Longitudinal and Directional Static Stability Effects of a Large Radome Mounted Atop a 747-200Aircraft[R].AIAA,2001-3173,2001.

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