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目的分析CLOCK基因rs11133399多态性与抑郁症患者睡眠障碍关系,进一步探讨其多态性在抑郁症发病遗传机制中的作用。方法入组281例抑郁症患者,采用汉密尔顿17项抑郁量表(HAMD)评定睡眠障碍,将入组患者分为有睡眠障碍组(HAMD睡眠因子分>0分)和无睡眠障碍组(HAMD睡眠因子分=0分)。采用基因芯片检测CLOCK基因rs11133399,运用SPSS 16.0软件包对有睡眠障碍组和无睡眠障碍组之间的人口学资料进行t检验和Pearson’sχ2检验。P<0.05为差异具有统计学意义。结果无睡眠障碍组中rs11133399位点AG基因型的分布频率显著高于有睡眠障碍组(F=7.060,P=0.029)结论本研究提示CLOCK基因位点rs11133399多态性可能与抑郁症患者睡眠障碍有关。
Objective To determine the association of SNP rs11133399 in CLOCK gene with sleep disorder, to explore whether CLOCK gene is the susceptibility genes of sleep disorders indepressive patients, and to investigate the role of the polymorphism in pathogenesis of depression. Methods We recruited 281 patients of major depressive disorder(MDD) who met the diagnosiscriteria of MDD(DSM-IV). Using the 17 Hamilton Depression Scale(HAMD-17) to assess sleep disorders.The patients were divided into sleep disorder group(score of sleep factor in HAMD >0) and nonsleep disorder group(score of sleep factor in HAMD =0).Using Illumina Golden Gate genotyping to determine the SNP rs11133399 of the CLOCK gene. The statistical analysis has been finished by SPSSpackage software for Windows version 16.0. Results The frequency of rs11133399 genotype AG in non sleep disorder group was significantly higher than in sleep disorder group(F= 7.060, P=0.029). Conclusion SNPs rs11133399 of CLOCK gene may be associated with sleep disorders of depressive patients.
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