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objective: to explore the cause and treatment of infantile convulsions, for infantile convulsions provide theoretical basis for the clinical diagnosis and treatment. Methods: choose in June 2013- June 2016 in our hospital diagnosis and treatment of 206 patients with infantile convulsion as the research object. The role of laboratory examination, make sure childrenconvulsions cause, and corresponding treatment measures. Results: 66 cases of lumbar puncture, among them 2 cases found shrinkage of red blood cells, 44 cases of meningitis. Measuring bloodcalcium in 4 cases, of which 3 cases lower than their normal. 1 blood glucose below normal. Electroencephalogram(eeg) 6 cases, 5 cases of epileptic waveforms, 1 cases of encephalitis waveform. Ultrasound head 1 case found placeholder lesions. 1 to 3 years old children with convulsions rate is higher, compared with other age children convulsions number difference is statistically significant(P < 0.05). In the influence factors, high fever convulsion in the lead, followed by meningoencephalitis. Cure 172 cases, 20 cases got improvement, accounted for 93.2%. Automatic discharge 8 cases(3.9%). 6 cases died(2.9%). Conclusion: the causes of infantile convulsion is more, is common in febrile convulsion and meningoencephalitis, in the clinical treatment of children, laboratorytests, and adopt corresponding measures has good curative effect, has high clinical value.
    [4]Zhang L.M.,An Y.,Pan G.,Ding Y.F.,Zhou Y.F.,Yao Y.H.,Wu B.L.,Zhou S.Z..Reduced Penetrance of PRRT2 Mutation in a Chinese Family With Infantile Convulsion and Choreoathetosis Syndrome[J].Journal of Child Neurology,2015,3010-3011.
    [5]Demir Ercan,Turanii Güzide,Yalntzoglu Dilek,Topcu Meral.Benign familial infantile convulsions:phenotypic variability in a family.[J].Journal of Child Neurology,2015,206-208.

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