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Objective:To prevent and reduce the incidence of polycystic ovary syndrome rate in Guilin, analyze and study the epidemiological factors in women with polycysticovary syndrome pathogenesis between mutual connection. Methods: Selected 140 patients who were treated and diagnosed with polycystic ovarian syndrome patients from 2014 January to 2014 December in our hospital as the research object and listed as the observation group, randomly selected another 140 non polycystic ovary syndrome patients as the controlgroup,collected data of two groups analyzed single factor and multi factor of Logistic.Results:After statistical analysis shows, polycystic ovary syndrome occurred mainly related with patients' family history of genetic disorders, menstrual menarche,lack of sleep,occupation factors,interior decoration diseases and so on, and had statistically significant difference between the twogroups(p<0.05). Conclusion:The factors of olycystic ovary syndrome are not single, it is related to multi factors,female friends must pay attention to it in real life.
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