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水污染是困扰当今社会的一个十分重要的环境问题。在纺织、造纸、印刷和化妆品等行业,有机染料的广泛使用产生了大量的有毒有色废水,已导致严重的地表水和地下水污染,给自然生态系统带来严重的威胁[1,2]。超声催化氧化方法作为一种高级氧化法处理废水中的有机污染物近年来得到了广泛的关注[3]。本文采用水热法合成Zn WO4半导体纳米催化剂,并采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)表征其物相纯度和外观形貌。Zn WO4半导体纳米材料的形貌大部分为40-50 nm大小的纳米颗粒。以有机染料酸性铬蓝K(C.I.Mordant Blue 31,MB31)为偶氮染料模型,采用紫外-可见分光光度法研究了Zn WO4半导体纳米材料催化超声降解有机染料的催化活性,并探讨了Zn WO4的加入量,MB31溶液的pH、染料的初始浓度,超声功率和超声时间对其催化超声降解MB31效率的影响以及Zn WO4的可重复利用性能。结果表明Zn WO4具有很好的超声降解催化性能和可重复利用性能,其作为声催化剂用于处理有机染料废水有很好的应用前景。
In this paper, the Zn WO4 were synthesized by the hydrothermal method. The high purity, high crystallinity, and the nested self-assembled structures of prepared Zn WO4 were characterized by the SEM and XRD. The results of sonochemical degradation of C.I. Mordant Blue 31(MB31) in the presence of Zn WO4 indicate that Zn WO4 has excellent sonocatalytic activity, reusability and stability during the sonocatalytic degradation processes. In addition, the addition amount of Zn WO4, the pH of solution, the initial concentration of MB31, the ultrasonic power and the ultrasonic irradiation time all have the influence on the sonocatalytic degradation of MB31. These results show that Zn WO4 has excellent sonocatalytic activity and could be used as sound-sensitive catalyst for the treatment of organic dye wastewaters, which has a good application prospect.
[1]Chang,J.S.;Chou,C.;Lin,Y.C.;Lin,P.J.;Ho,J.Y.;Hu,T.L.Water Res.2001,35:2841

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