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Through translating and revising Ware's Health Perception Questionnaire(HPQ) and Templer Death Anxiety Scale(TDAS), and using Crunmbaugh's The Purpose in Life Test(PIL) and Scheier's The Life Orientation Test(LOT) to survey 281 old people in Chengdu. This study was to explore the general condition of health perception, meaning of life, optimism, death anxiety and the differences in demographic variables. To explore the relationship among the health perception, meaning of life, optimism and death anxiety. The research results were the following:(1) Old people's health perception and optimism were in a better level, but their meaning of life and death anxiety had a low level.(2) Married people had higher meaning of life, and the people who had higher education level had higher meaning of life.(3) Married people had a higher overall optimism and positive dimension; they had lower scores on the pessimistic dimension than the divorced, widowed or unmarried people.(4) The married people' death anxiety was significantly lower than the divorced, widowed or unmarried people.(5) The health perception and its all dimensions had significant positive correlation with meaning in life,overall optimism and positive dimension, but had significant negative correlation with pessimism dimension and death anxiety. The meaning of life and its all dimensions, overall optimism, positive dimension had negative correlation with death anxiety.(6) Health perception and its all dimensions had the significant prediction function for meaning of life and its all dimensions, optimism, death anxiety. The meaning of life and its all dimensions, and optimism and its all dimensions had the significant prediction function for death anxiety.(7) Meaning of life partly mediated the relation between health perception and death anxiety. Optimism moderated the relation between health perception and death anxiety. Optimism moderated the mediating effect caused by meaning of life.

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