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Objective: To analyze the change of physiology,flight date indices and subjective evaluation under simulated flight environment,and construct the comprehensive mental workload evaluation of flight cadets combine fuzzy logic theory. Methods: Thirteen healthy young male flight cadets were enrolled in this study, completed the standard flight procedure on the simulated flight, the indices include heart rate(HR)、respiration rate(RR)、flight date and NASA-TLX scale. Results:(1) The physiology,flight date indices could reveal the significantly difference of mental workload between take-off、approach and cruising, which are sensitive to mental workload(2)It proves the results of evaluation model are high consistent with the NASA-TLX,which has validity. Conclusion: The results of the study indicate that, the physiology,flight date indices are sensitive to the mental workload of flight and the evaluation model of mental workload based on fuzzy logic deserves further research.

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