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To explore whether low-esteem hearing impairment students' behavior in group sandplay can provide the basis of observation. Researcher recruited 82 hearing impairment junior high school students from Beijing XXX deaf school as subjects to explore the correlation between demographic variables and self-esteem by using Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale. Selected 17 low self-esteem students and 17 non-low self-esteem students participated in group sandpaly, and analyzed their behavior. The results showed that there are no significant differences between students' self-esteem and the various demographic variables of different dimensions. Low self-esteem students cannot be divided from the different dimensions of population. But their behaviors are significant different from non-low self-esteem students in several aspects: time using, miniatures(number of total miniatures, number of combined miniatures), rules breaking, space allocation(number of miniatures in the middle) and evaluations. Low self-esteem students' behavior in sandplay are curled, field-dependence, escaping problem, and present low creativity. Low-esteem hearing impairment students' behavior in group sandplay can provide the basis of observation.

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