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  • 英文篇名:Natural Heavy Mineral Anomaly Characteristics and Ore Potential Analysis of the Siyuewu Li-Nb-Ta Rare Metals Ore-concentrated Area in Western Sichuan Province
  • 作者:赖杨 ; 田恩源 ; 龚大兴 ; 张贻 ; 周雄
  • 英文作者:Lai Yang;Tian Enyuan;Gong Daxin;Zhang Yi;Zhou Xiong;Institute of Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources, Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences;
  • 关键词:稀有金属 ; 自然重砂 ; 斯跃武 ; 川西
  • 英文关键词:Rare metals;;Natural heavy mineral;;Siyuewu;;Western sichuan pvovince
  • 中文刊名:KCZL
  • 英文刊名:Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources
  • 机构:中国地质科学院矿产综合利用研究所中国地质金属矿产资源综合利用技术研究中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-25
  • 出版单位:矿产综合利用
  • 年:2019
  • 期:No.217
  • 基金:中国地质调查局基础性公益性地质矿产调查项目(DD20160074)资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:KCZL201903015
  • 页数:6
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:51-1251/TD
  • 分类号:70-75
川西高原甘孜-阿坝一带的锂、铍、铌、钽等稀有金属矿产资源较为丰富,是我国西南地区主要的稀有金属原料基地。本文选择可尔因矿区以西约50 km的壤塘县蒲西乡斯跃武地区,在165 km2范围内开展1:5万自然重砂测量,采集121件自然重砂样品,查明工作区内有锂辉石、黑稀金矿、(铁)铌钽锰矿、锡石、白钨矿、电气石等26种自然重砂矿物;查明Li元素主要赋存于锂辉石中,Nb、Ta元素主要赋存于铌钽锰矿、黑稀金矿中;圈定单矿物重砂异常27个;圈定Li-Nb-Ta稀有金属矿产找矿有利区块2处。重砂法在川西高原深切割地区寻找以锂辉石为主的稀有金属矿床具有较好的指示作用。
        The Ganzi and Aba surroundings are rich in the rare metal mineral resources(eg. Li-Nb-Ta) in western Sichuan Pvovince, which is the main raw material base of rare metals in southwest China. In this paper, we select the Siyuewu area of Puxi township, which is about 50 km west of Kerne mine. In 165 km2,1:50,000 natural heavy sand measurements were carried out, and 121 samples of natural heavy sand were collected. It is found that there are 26 kinds of natural heavy sand minerals, such as spodumene, euxenite,manganotapiolite, cassiterite, scheelite, and tourmaline. It makes clear that the Li element is mainly deposited in spodumene, and the Nb and Ta elements are mainly deposited in(iron) niobium tantalite and euxenite.We delineated 27 block anomalies of single heavy sand mineral, and 2 advantageous blocks of the Li-Nb-Ta rare metal mineral prospecting. In the deep cutting area of western Sichuan plateau, the natural heavy sand method has a good indication effect for finding a rare metal deposit based on spodumene.
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