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  • 英文篇名:Evaluation of the effectiveness of environmental roundtable dialogue at the community level in China based upon stakeholder's satisfaction
  • 作者:苏红岩 ; 郭红燕 ; 王华
  • 英文作者:SU Hong-yan;GUO Hong-yan;WANG Hua;School of Environment & Natural Resources,Renmin University of China;Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy,Ministry of Ecology and Environment;
  • 关键词:环境圆桌对话 ; 环境社会治理 ; 满意度
  • 英文关键词:environmental roundtable dialogue;;environmental-social governance;;level of satisfaction
  • 中文刊名:ZGRZ
  • 英文刊名:China Population,Resources and Environment
  • 机构:中国人民大学环境学院;生态环境部环境与经济政策研究中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-06-15
  • 出版单位:中国人口·资源与环境
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.29;No.226
  • 基金:清华大学产业发展与环境治理研究中心、中国人民大学“中央高校建设世界一流大学(学科)和特色发展引导专项资金”资助
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:ZGRZ201906017
  • 页数:12
  • CN:06
  • ISSN:37-1196/N
  • 分类号:159-170
基于对若干城市环境圆桌对话参与者开展的问卷调查以及利益相关者满意度理论,在对不同参与者整体满意度进行统计分析的基础上,构建针对满意度的多元有序Logistic模型,分析对话参与者满意度影响因素及各主要因素的影响强度。调查结果显示,圆桌对话参与者对对话活动整体评价较高,对会议形成的问题解决方案感到"比较满意"或"非常满意"的受访者占比达77. 4%。Logistic模型分析结果表明,满意度水平在不同身份、不同社会经济特征的参与者之间存在差异,也因会议制度设计、对话开展地区和议题的不同而不同。具体来说:①相对于非政府组织等中立的第三方,企业代表有较高的满意度,而政府、居民代表满意度水平相对低一些。②相对于低收入者,中等收入者满意度水平较高,受过高等教育者也更可能对结果满意;相对于其他年龄段的受访者,35岁以下的青年人满意度则低一些。③会议制度设计是影响参与者满意度的重要因素,会议资料公开越充分、代表选取及互答时间分配越合理,受访者满意度水平越高;而使议题得以充分讨论则是提升会议效果的关键,其平均边际效应甚至高达48. 7%。④已开展的圆桌对话在解决企业污染类问题上比解决社区垃圾类问题上满意度更高一些。最后就中国社区环境圆桌对话进一步制度化存在的问题进行了讨论,并从加强对话各个环节技术设计方面提出提高对话效果的具体建议。
        The Environmental Roundtable Dialogue( ERD) program has been implemented in China for more than ten years. This is the first evaluation study based upon a survey of dialogue participants in several cities. After a simple analysis of participants' overall satisfaction,the Multinomial Ordinal Logistic models are developed to analyze the levels of stakeholders' satisfactions and to identify the determinants of satisfaction. The survey shows that most of the participants appreciate the dialogue programs. More than 77. 4% of the interviewees are satisfied with the dialogue meetings they participated. Estimates of Logistic models suggest that several factors can affect the levels of participants' satisfaction. First,participants' identity is a significant variable. The enterprises' representatives tend to have higher levels of satisfaction than the third party,while the government's and residents' representatives have lower satisfaction levels. Other socio-economic characteristics of the interviewees are also significant. People within medium income groups or with better education are more likely to be satisfied with the dialogue meetings,but people under 35 years old tend to have lower levels of satisfaction. Different ways of conducting dialogue can also affect the final effectiveness of the programs. Interviewees tend to be more satisfied in situations where the information about meetings has been made known to the public in advance and the procedures of electing representatives and the time allocation are reasonable. More importantly,full discussion of the issues,with the average marginal effect as high as 48. 7%,is a key determinant of the meeting's effectiveness. Besides,different dialogue subjects also have different satisfaction levels; less satisfaction is found with the community garbage dialogue programs than the industrial pollution control dialogue programs. Suggestions are put forward for improving the dialogue program design and implementation.
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