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Unreliable Paratexts in Intralingual Translation: A Case Study of an Excerpted English Translation of San Guo Yan Yi
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  • 英文篇名:Unreliable Paratexts in Intralingual Translation: A Case Study of an Excerpted English Translation of San Guo Yan Yi
  • 作者:Wenqing ; Peng
  • 英文作者:Wenqing Peng;Soochow University;
  • 英文关键词:retranslation;;paratexts;;plagiarism;;San Guo Yan Yi;;English translation
  • 中文刊名:LASS
  • 英文刊名:语言与符号学研究(英文版)
  • 机构:Soochow University;
  • 出版日期:2019-02-15
  • 出版单位:Language and Semiotic Studies
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.5
  • 基金:part of the research project titled “The English Translations of San Guo Yan Yi”(18CYY012),funded by the National Social Science Fund of China
  • 语种:英文;
  • 页:LASS201901007
  • 页数:22
  • CN:01
  • ISSN:32-1859/H
  • 分类号:120-141
This paper contains a charge of plagiarism in which Cheung Yik-man, the translator of a classic Chinese novel San Guo Yan Yi, failed to acknowledge the existing translation by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang while Cheung's retranslation is extremely close to Yangs' with some changes only in the first two chapters. In this case, paratexts to Cheung Yikman's version covered up the behaviour of plagiarism, which is different from Lawrence Venuti's discussion of paratexts' function in his 2004 essay as "an immediate form of intertextuality" and "make[s] explicit the competing interpretation". This article examines the unreliability of paratexts in intralingual translation, based on a case in English translations of San Guo Yan Yi: Cheung Yik-man's translation of "The Battle of the Red Cliff" excerpted from the novel.
        This paper contains a charge of plagiarism in which Cheung Yik-man, the translator of a classic Chinese novel San Guo Yan Yi, failed to acknowledge the existing translation by Yang Xianyi and Gladys Yang while Cheung's retranslation is extremely close to Yangs' with some changes only in the first two chapters. In this case, paratexts to Cheung Yikman's version covered up the behaviour of plagiarism, which is different from Lawrence Venuti's discussion of paratexts' function in his 2004 essay as "an immediate form of intertextuality" and "make[s] explicit the competing interpretation". This article examines the unreliability of paratexts in intralingual translation, based on a case in English translations of San Guo Yan Yi: Cheung Yik-man's translation of "The Battle of the Red Cliff" excerpted from the novel.
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    2 I have searched the British Library and the SOAS library in London,the Library of Congress in the US,and the libraries at the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Baptist University.

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