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  • 英文篇名:A discussion on CBM development strategies in China based upon a case study of PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co., Ltd.
  • 作者:温声明 ; 周科 ; 鹿倩
  • 英文作者:Wen Shengming;Zhou Ke;Lu Qian;PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co.,Ltd.;
  • 关键词:中国 ; 煤层气 ; 发展战略 ; 勘探开发 ; 技术进展 ; 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘 ; 新疆地区 ; 中石油煤层气有限责任公司 ; 产业基地
  • 英文关键词:China;;Coalbed methane(CBM);;Development strategy;;Exploration and development;;Technical progress;;Eastern margin of the Ordos Basin;;Xinjiang region;;PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co.Ltd.;;Industrial base
  • 中文刊名:TRQG
  • 英文刊名:Natural Gas Industry
  • 机构:中石油煤层气有限责任公司;
  • 出版日期:2019-05-25
  • 出版单位:天然气工业
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.39;No.307
  • 基金:国家科技重大专项“鄂东缘深层煤层气与煤系地层天然气整体开发示范工程”(编号:2016ZX05065)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:TRQG201905019
  • 页数:8
  • CN:05
  • ISSN:51-1179/TE
  • 分类号:135-142
        In recent years, the growth rate of coalbed methane(CBM) industry in China has slowed down. In order to promote its development, it is in urgent need to do the researches focusing on enhancing domestic CBM industry. In this paper, PetroChina Coalbed Methane Co. Ltd. was taken as an example. Its technical progress and achievements in the construction of CBM industrial base in the Eastern margin of the Ordos Basin and the CBM exploration and development in Xinjiang since it was founded in 2008 were systematically studied and summarized. Then, the opportunities and challenges of domestic CBM industry in the process of its development were analyzed. Finally, five main study directions for accelerating the development of CBM industry were put forward. First, speed up the scale breakthrough of the strategic replacement of medium-and low-rank CBM resources in Xinjiang. Second, continuously research the technologies for increasing production and recovery factor of developed areas, so as to enhance the development benefits greatly. Third,strengthen the comprehensive development of deep CBM and coal measure gas, so as to improve the comprehensive utilization ratio of resources. Fourth, develop the intelligent information technology based on artificial intelligence and big data suitable for CBM fields, to improve the development level of CBM fields. Fifth, study the innovative management system of CBM benefit development, to provide a scientific institutional guarantee for the benefit development of CBM. It is concluded that the scale CBM development in the eastern margin of the Ordos Basin supplies the nation with precious clean energy and provides new ways and contributions for the safe production and energy saving & emission reduction of coal mines. In addition, it is recommended to continuously promote management innovation and technological innovation and speed up the construction of the third CBM industrial base in Xinjiang so as to accelerate the development of CBM industry in China.
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