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  • 英文篇名:Effect of Earthworm Feces on Deodorization of Different Livestock and Poultry Manure
  • 作者:成钢 ; 安玉玲 ; 夏莹 ; 田娟 ; 陈宇婷 ; 崔京珍 ; 高珍珍 ; 赵铭
  • 英文作者:CHENG Gang;AN Yu-ling;XIA Ying;TIAN Juan;CHEN Yu-ting;CUI Jing-zhen;GAO Zhen-zhen;ZHAO Ming;Zoology Key Laboratory of Hunan Higher Education, Research Center on Conservation and Utilization of Biological Resources in Dongting Lake Area, Institute of Animal Health Culture Hunan University of Arts and Science;Changde Anxiang Xiongtao Animal Husbandry Co.Ltd.;
  • 关键词:蚯蚓粪 ; 畜禽粪便 ; NH_3 ; H_2S ; 除臭
  • 英文关键词:Feathworm feces;;Livestock and poultry manure;;NH_3;;H_2S;;Deodorization
  • 中文刊名:XNYX
  • 英文刊名:Southwest China Journal of Agricultural Sciences
  • 机构:湖南文理学院动物学湖南省高校重点实验室环洞庭湖生物资源保育与利用研究中心湖南文理学院动物健康养殖研究所;湖南省常德市安乡县雄韬牧业有限公司;
  • 出版日期:2019-03-28
  • 出版单位:西南农业学报
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.32
  • 基金:湖南省科技计划项目(2016NK2044);; 湖南省教育厅重点项目(17A146);; 湖南文理学院大学生创新创业研究项目(YB20171718、YB20171719);湖南文理学院芙蓉学院大学生研究性学习与创新性实验计划项目
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:XNYX201903018
  • 页数:7
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:51-1213/S
  • 分类号:110-116
【目的】本试验明确了蚯蚓粪对不同畜禽粪便除臭效果,以提高蚓粪利用率。【方法】试验采用瓶装腐熟发酵法,在羊粪、牛粪、猪粪和鸡粪4种粪便中分别添加5%、10%、15%的新鲜蚓粪,每个处理重复3瓶,在(20±3)℃条件下,对各瓶中NH_3和H_2S 2种气体分别在1,3,5和7 d进行收集。采用纳氏试剂-分光光度法和碘量法测定各处理瓶中NH_3和H_2S含量。以添加等量锯末和活性炭为阳性对照,以不添加任何蚓粪的新鲜4类畜禽粪便为空白对照,比较分析蚓粪对4种畜禽粪便中NH_3和H_2S的吸收除臭效果。【结果】与空白对照相比,添加不同比例的蚓粪对4种畜禽粪便在不同发酵阶段中的NH_3和H_2S气体均有明显的去除效果,其对NH_3和H_2S气体去除率与阳性对照活性炭和锯末效果相当,且随着蚓粪添加量的增加除臭效果增强;牛粪中添加15%蚓粪后1~5 d,对NH_3的除臭率高于相同处理的羊粪、猪粪和鸡粪;羊粪中添加15%蚓粪后1~7 d,对H_2S的除臭率较其它类型粪便高。【结论】蚓粪对4种粪便中NH_3和H_2S气体均有明显的除臭效果,且牛、羊粪中的NH_(3 )和H_2S气体除臭效果高于鸡粪和猪粪。
        【Objective】This study was aimed to clear the effect of earthworm feces on deodorization of different livestock and poultry manure and improve its utilization. 【Method】adding 5 %, 10 % and 15 % of the proportion of the earthworm feces in the fresh four kinds of manure respectively with bottled fermented fermentation method, three bottles were repeated for each treatment at(20 +3)℃,the positive control group was sawdust and activated carbon, and the blank control group was fresh animal and poultry excrement without earthworm excrement.The two gases of NH_3 and H_2S in each bottle were collected at 1, 3, 5 and 7 days, respectively. The content of NH_3 and H_2S in each treatment bottle was determined by Nessler's Reagent Spectrophotometry and iodimetric method. The effect of vermis manure on the absorption and deodorization of NH_3 and H_2S in four kinds of livestock and poultry manure were compared and analyzed. 【Result】The earthworm feces had the significant absorption and deodorization of NH_(3 )and H_2S in four kinds of livestock and poultry manure compared with the blank control, but the effect was comparable to that of positive control,and the effect of deodorization increased with the increase of the amount of earthworm feces. The deodorization rate of NH_3 in cow dung with 15 % earthworm dung was higher than that of goat dung, pig dung and chicken dung with the same treatment for 1 to 5 days. The deodorization rate of H_2S in goat dung with 15 % earthworm dung was higher than that in other types of dung 1 to 7 days after adding 15 % earthworm dung.【Conclusion】The earthworm feces has obvious absorption and removal effect on the NH_3 and H_2S gases of four kinds of feces. The deodorization effect of NH_3 and H_2S in cow and goat manure was higher than that of chicken manure and pig manure.
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