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  • 英文篇名:Key Technologies of Split-unit Rectangular Pipe Jacking Machine: a Case Study of CREG Underground Parking Lot
  • 作者:范磊 ; 蒋鹏鹏 ; 薛广记
  • 英文作者:FAN Lei;JIANG Pengpeng;XUE Guangji;China Railway Engineering Equipment Group Co., Ltd.;
  • 关键词:地下停车场 ; 矩形顶管机 ; 分体组合式 ; 复合位姿控制 ; 扭矩系数 ; 数学模型
  • 英文关键词:underground parking lot;;rectangular pipe jacking machine;;split-unit;;compound position control;;torque coefficient;;mathematical model
  • 中文刊名:JSSD
  • 英文刊名:Tunnel Construction
  • 机构:中铁工程装备集团有限公司;
  • 出版日期:2019-04-03 14:28
  • 出版单位:隧道建设(中英文)
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.39;No.224
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:JSSD201903030
  • 页数:7
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:41-1448/U
  • 分类号:176-182
为解决分体组合式矩形顶管机高精高效掘进难题,以中铁装备厂区地下停车场项目为依托,对矩形顶管机分体组合式结构适应性、位姿(位置与姿态)控制、组合式小刀盘开挖系统设计等关键技术展开研究:1)提出新型组合连接形式,解决因设备组合带来的密封、管线联通等结构适应性问题; 2)创新盾体铰接结构,提出分体组合式顶管机复合位姿控制方法,即以纠偏油缸为主,双螺旋输送机互馈出渣为辅的协同纠偏策略,多刀盘转向转速控制与主机周向多点加压控制相结合的纠滚策略,实现浅覆土、零间距隧洞的高精度施工; 3)基于回归分析方法,探讨小刀盘扭矩系数随刀盘直径、刀盘布置位置的变化规律,建立直径3 m以下小刀盘扭矩系数的计算模型,为多刀盘系统驱动配置提供理论依据。
        The split-unit rectangular pipe jacking with high precision and high efficiency is very difficult. Hence, study is made on the applicability of split-unit structure, design of position and attitude control, and design of excavation system of composite small cutterheads of rectangular pipe jacking machine boring in the underground parking lot project of CREG. Some conclusions are drawn as follows:(1) A new type of combination method is proposed, which solves the problems of structure adaptability of split-unit rectangular pipe jacking machine, such as sealing and pipeline communication brought by equipment combination.(2) The hinged structure of shield body is innovated; and the compound position and attitude control methods of the split-unit pipe jacking machine, i.e. coordination deviation rectifying by deviation cylinder and double screw convey mucking, and rotation deviation rectifying by multi-cutterhead speed and direction control and loading control along radial direction of main machine, are put forward.(3) The variation law of torque coefficient of small cutterhead with cutterhead diameter and layout is discussed by regression analysis method; and a calculation model of torque coefficient of small cutterhead, with diameter less than 3 m, is built, which can provide a theoretical basis for drive configuration of the multi-cutterhead system.
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